- dry plate glass 底片玻璃,干板玻璃
- Roulette of decorative plate glass production. 装饰用平板玻璃生产所使用的模压辊。
- In the plate glass,he saw her image--so close that it shocked him. 在橱窗玻璃中,布雷克看到了她的面容----离他如此之近,使他大吃了一惊。
- The first turn in the tide came when France discovered how to make plate glass. 当法国发明了制作平板玻璃的技术后,情况才第一次有了变化。
- Her new firm was a goodly institution. Its windows were of huge plate glass. 雇佣她的那家公司看上去漂亮气派,窗子都是用巨大的厚板玻璃做的。
- The preparation conditions,practical properties and some problems relating its application of silver halide dry plate ofhigh contrast for holography are described. 本文研究了全息照相用高反差银盐干版的制备条件和使用性能,并就其应用方面的有关问题作了探讨。
- Abstract: The preparation conditions,practical properties and some problems relating its application of silver halide dry plate ofhigh contrast for holography are described. 文摘:本文研究了全息照相用高反差银盐干版的制备条件和使用性能,并就其应用方面的有关问题作了探讨。
- And when backed with foil ,the plate glass made such a mirror as never before had existed. 平滑如一池静水的玻璃,衬上金属薄片以后,便成了从来没有过的好镜子。
- Abstract: The preparation conditions, practical properties and some problems relating its application of silver halide dry plate ofhigh contrast for holography are described. 文摘:本文研究了全息照相用高反差银盐干版的制备条件和使用性能,并就其应用方面的有关问题作了探讨。
- Behind the plate glass, in the spot where Andrew had observed them, Lisa and Bruce, laughing and excited, waved back. 莉萨和布鲁斯在安德鲁找到他们的地方,隔着玻璃窗,笑着兴奋的挥手作答。
- The heat loss (orgain) through a wall of half inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a typical masonry wall filled with insulation board. 通过半英寸的平板玻璃墙壁损失(或增加)的热量是典型的加入绝缘板的石墙所允许的热量损失(或增加)的十倍以上。
- Heat by plate glass bate shapes in the mould, the curved surface glass that makes via anneal again. 由平板玻璃加热软化在模具中成型,再经退火制成的曲面玻璃。
- The most commonly used types are plate glass, cleat window glass, wire glass, and pattered glass. 其中最常用的是平板玻璃、夹板窗玻璃、夹丝安全玻璃及压花玻璃.;现可供应的透明窗玻璃厚度为0
- The commercial district on the Jen Ai Circle is surrounded by plate glass buildings. 台北仁爱路四段圆环周围,玻璃帷幕大楼林立。
- Founded in 1996, long-term supply of logs of various Northeast, sheet, plate wet, dry plate, wholesale and retail, sheet drying process. 公司成立于1996年,长期供应各种东北原木,板材、湿板、烘干板、批发零售、板材烘干加工。
- It is common plate glass be handled through rework and become glass of a kind of prestressing force. 它是普通平板玻璃经过再加工处理而成一种预应力玻璃。
- Other top five sectors are cement, plate glass, coal chemical industry, polysilicon and wind power equipment. 其它五大行业分别为水泥、平板玻璃、煤化工、多晶硅和风电设备。
- It is will common plate glass heats when condition of red hot bate, again warm-up treated iron wire or abatis press glass among and make. 它是将普通平板玻璃加热到红热软化状态时,再将预热处理过的铁丝或铁丝网压入玻璃中间而制成。
- The dry plating method is a method for deposition of a metal on the surface of polymer material under vacuum and includes sputtering method, vapor deposition, vacuum deposition, etc. 干镀是一种在真空下在聚合物表面沉积金属的方法,包括溅射、气相沉积、真空沉积等。
- Variety: Guci coffee mugs, glass mugs, tea glass high-temperature, high temperature plate glass and ceramic containers utensils. 品种有:骨瓷咖啡杯、玻璃咖啡杯、高温玻璃茶具、耐高温玻璃餐盘和陶瓷器皿餐具等。