- wet arc over voltage 湿飞弧电压
- arc over voltage 飞弧电压
- However, in this system serious over voltage may occur due to arc grounding fault. 然而,在此系统中可能由于电弧接地故障而出现严重过电压。
- Sharp corners should be radiused to prevent arc over. 前后端板同时钻孔是一个好主意,这样两者的孔能对准。
- Sirius, alpha star of Canis Major, traces the bright arc over the dome at the left. 大犬座的天狼星,阿尔法星的明亮轨迹弧线跨域了左边的穹顶。
- Over voltage protection: It means the voltage of the protected circuit is higher than set value. 过压保护:指被保护线路电压高于设定值。指示灯形式为:黄灯亮;
- Explanation: Diffuse starlight and dark nebulae along the southern Milky Way arc over the horizon and sprawl diagonally through this gorgeous nightscape. 说明: 沿着南半球地平线上空的银河弧,漫射的星光和黑暗的星云在这张绚丽的夜晚天空影像中沿着对角蔓延开来。
- Through over voltage on-line monitoring device testing, inquire into lightning protection of the reactor with air core. 并通过安装过电压在线监测装置进行测试的方法,初步探讨了空心电抗器防雷的作用。
- With the perfect protection functions in over voltage, under voltage, over heat, over current, over load, safe and reliable. 具有完善的过压,欠压,过热,过流,过载自动保护功能,安全可靠。
- Transient over voltage problems are quickly solved using shunt regulators that clamp regeneration voltage to safe levels. 并联稳压器可以迅速解决瞬态过电压的问题,使电压回到安全水平。
- And also, it has many other functions include islanding detection and avoiding, over voltage protection, over current protection and so on. 此逆变器还具有其他功能,包括孤岛效应,过电压欠电压保护,过流保护等等。
- A pair of rainbows arcs over Belize's Glover Reef in the Caribbean Sea. 意译:空中俯瞰岛屿在自然界的模式。一对彩虹弧形超过伯利兹的格洛弗礁在加勒比海。
- The principle and application of three new protection ICs including active EMI filter, over voltage protection IC and over current protection IC are introduced. 介绍了3种新型保护器件的原理与应用,包括有源电磁干扰(EMI)滤波器、集成过电压保护器件和集成过电流保护器件。
- Aiming at mangling of electron equipment due to transient over voltage from thunder and operation between 4 and 3+1 source defend thunder equipments is discussed. 针对雷电和操作过电压所引起瞬间过电压对电子设备系统的损坏,探讨加装电源防雷器时采用四模块和3+1模块时的性能,并进行比较和分析。
- Only the booster's fiery tail was visible as the rocket ascended through a cumulus cloud and then arced over the ocean, headed for space. 火箭上升穿透积云、横越海洋、朝著太空前进,我们只能隐约看到助力器下方炽烈的火焰尾。
- Run under electromagnetic pulse(EMP),microcomputer can have over- voltage or over- current in it's interface circuit when EMP's intensity reach to certain value,and get interfered or damaged. 受 emp照射的微机系统,当 emp场强达到一定数值时,其设备接口电路上即产生过电压或过电流,从而使设备受到干扰或损伤。
- Joan of Arc was one of France's greatest daughters. 圣女贞德是法国最伟大的女性之一。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- Patterns in Nature: Island Aerials A pair of rainbows arcs over Belize's Glover Reef in the Caribbean Sea. 意译:空中鸟瞰岛屿自然界图片。一对彩虹弧线超过伯利兹的格洛弗礁在加勒比海。
- A rainbow arcs over trees blooming on a hillside in the West Indies island of Dominica. 西印度群岛的多米尼加,彩虹横跨过生长在山侧花团锦簇的树。