- Truck concrete mixers, dry bulk tanks. 混凝土搅拌运输车、散装水泥运输车。
- China is the world's second-biggest shipbuilder after Korea and Cosco is a force in both dry bulk and container shipping. 中国是全球第二大造船国,仅次于韩国,中远在干散货和集装箱航运两方面都有强大实力。
- The company is a large dry bulk carriers and container ships, by the global economy and influence the growth of trade, the recent demand BDI in a sharp rebound in the next. 公司主要产品是大型干散货船和集装箱船,受全球经济和贸易增长的影响较大,近期BDI在需求的拉动下出现了大幅反弹。
- The FFA loss, it is dry bulk cargo market in the doldrums by-product. 而FFA损失,则是干散货低迷行情的副产品。
- Unsa is also a member of EFIBCA(European Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container Association ),EATP ( European Associate of Textile Polyolefins) and TURKFIBCA. 是欧洲所有的化学、药物、矿产及食品工业集装袋的主要供应商,同时也是欧洲集装袋协会(EFIBCA)、欧洲聚烯烃纺织纤维协会(EATP)和土耳其集装袋协会(TURKFIBCA)的成员。
- However, the dry bulk market and signs of warmer, the port cargo throughput monthly positive growth there. 不过,由于干散货市场出现回暖迹象,港口货物吞吐量出现月度正增长。
- Many shippers made derivative bets mistakenly on the direction of dry bulk rates during 2008. 而在2008年,许多承运商人就散装干货费率方向上下错了赌注。
- OPW Fluid Transfer Group specializes in the design, engineering and manufacture of products used in the transfer of dry bulk commodities. OPW流体输送集团公司专业开发、设计和制造用于各种散装干货运输的产品。
- The index is a key independent barometer of the cost of transporting dry bulk commodities including iron ore coal and grain by sea. 干散货指数是干散货商品贸易包括铁矿石,煤炭和谷物海运的一个重要的,独立的风向标。
- However, owners and shipbrokers fear the slowdown and the large number of dry bulk ships awaiting delivery could soon push the market back down. 不过,船东和船舶经纪人担心,由于中国进口放缓及大批干散货船等待交付使用,市场可能很快会重新回落。
- Some major dry bulk shippers lost money speculating on the market in shipping derivatives that offered potential for strong investment returns. 一些主要的散装干货航运船主在航运派生市场遭受了损失,而这些航运派生市场能提供潜在的强劲投资回报。
- The research results show that the incipient motion and the erosion of cohesive deposits are greatly influenced by the dry bulk density. 研究结果表明:干容重对粘性淤积物起动和冲刷的影响非常大。
- Most of the dry bulk ships that were rested several months ago because they could not operate profitably have already returned to the market. 数月前还因不能盈利而停运的干散货船,目前大多数已重返市场。
- Any sterilized product not shipped in bulk containers shall be appropriately identified. 不用散装货物集装箱装运的所有已灭菌产品,应当予以适当确认。
- In the recent years, total loss shipwrecks of dry bulk carriers have happened frequently, whose loss is the most serious of all the marine disasters. 近年来,大量散货船全损海难案件不断发生,损失的吨位位居所有船舶海难损失载重吨位第一,造成了严重的人命和财产损失。
- Located in Kazan, the new plant currently produces intermediate bulk containers (IBCs). 位于喀山,新工厂目前生产中型散货集装箱(中型散货箱) 。
- At least 5 years solid experience at ship-owning / shipping company specialized in Capesize / Panamax in dry bulk ...... ... 公司名称:某香港船务公司工作地点:辽宁省大连市发布时间:2009-7-23
- All bulk containers that are used for trash, spare parts, etc. are clearly identified and stenciled. 所有用于垃圾,零件等的大容器有明确的标识。
- The characteristic that nonsked boat carries decided dry bulk cargo carries the market is one approachs the market at complete competition structure. 不定期船运输的特点就决定了干散货运输市场是一个接近于完全竞争结构的市场。
- flexible intermediate bulk container 集装袋