- drug born disease 药源性疾病
- This is especially important when there is a history of insect borne disease in the previous brood. 这在前一次孵化中发生过虫煤疾病的尤其重要。
- However, eggs and egg products are a significant contributor to salmonellosis - a major food borne disease worldwide. 尽管如此,蛋和蛋制品是引起沙门氏菌病这一全世界主要食源性疾病的重要因素。
- Conclusion We should strength the surveillance and control on vectors and vector borne disease in Qingdao, so as to provide a healthy environment fur 2008 Olympic Sailing Genies. 结论我们应该加强对病媒生物及其相关传染病的预防控制工作,为2008年青岛奥运会帆船比赛的成功举办保驾护航。
- Our work includes surveillance and monitoring of pest problems to prevent local transmission and investigation of vector borne diseases. 本署的工作包括监察及监控虫鼠问题,以防止由传病媒介传播的疾病在本港蔓延,并调查发病事件。
- Conclusion The species and faunal distribution in Shandong province of China are revealed which provides the basis for chigger borne diseases prevention. 结论基本摸清了山东省主要地区恙螨的种类区系分布,为深入开展恙虫病防治研究提供了依据。
- Modern health regulations require that tattoo shops keep their equipment clean. Needles must be sterile to prevent skin infections, blood borne diseases and other problems. 卫生方面的规定要求纹身馆一定要保持仪器的清洁,针头一定要消毒,防止皮肤发炎、以及血液疾病传染等问题。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- The coastal mountain ranges of Costa Rica had long confined dengue fever,a mosquito born disease accompanied by incapacitating bone pain,to the country's Pacific shore. 长久以来哥斯达黎加的登革热(一种由蚊子传播的疾病,伴随使人软弱无力的骨骼疼痛症),一直被沿海山脉限制在该国太平洋沿岸地区。
- The newly developed drug has arrested the spread of the disease. 这种新药遏止了疾病的蔓延。
- Guidance on Assessing Risks of Imported Vector- borne Disease 虫媒传染病输入风险评估指南研究
- We are testing the efficacy of a new drug. 我们正在测试新药的功效。
- Progress of Studies on Bio-control of Maize Soil Borne Disease 玉米土传病害生物防治的研究进展
- I am surprised to learn that he is taking drug. 听说他在吸毒,我很吃惊。
- All these fact have borne out the hypothesis. 所有这些事实证明了假设的正确性。
- His business was a cover for drug dealing. 他的商行是进行毒品交易的幌子。
- The castle defenders were borne down. 城堡的守军被制服了。
- Together, these drug candidates represent a sophisticated new generation of antiviral compound drugs born of a better understanding of how HIV works, at the molecular level inside the body. 总的来看,这几种药表明,在科学家更好地理解hiv如何在人体内分子水平活动基础上生产的药,已达到新一代尖端水平。
- It seems so absurd to bear malice after all that. 经过这一切之后还抱有怨恨情绪是很荒谬的。
- Keywords Vermiculture;Vermicompost;Soil borne disease;Inhibition.; 蚯蚓养殖;蚓粪;土传病害;抑制;