- In Xi'an New City's drug rehabilitation center, a cured patient is fuming sulfur in an iron canister to cure an itch. 陕西西安戒毒所内,一个戒毒者在铁筒中用硫磺熏疗疥疮。
- This drug rehabilitation center gives people an impression of a Xanadu without locked gates, serious policemen but covered with green sugar cane. 新闻总是有的,有的时候只能相信一种,一种是歌舞升平,太平盛世,一种是路有冻死骨,朱门酒肉臭。
- Naval Drug Rehabilitation Center 海军吸毒治疗康复中心
- drug rehabilitation center 戒毒所
- Drug rehabilitation is a long and painful process. 戒毒是一个漫长而痛苦的过程。
- Navy Drug Rehabilitation Center 海军吸毒治疗中心
- Giterman who worked at the British Rehabilitation Center for the disabled. 他那时在英国残疾康复中心工作。
- The earliest originator was Dr. L. Giterman who worked at the Brit-ish Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled. 最早的发起人是在英国残疾康复中心工作的l·吉特曼博士。
- The earliest originator was Dr. Giterman who worked at the British Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled. 最早的发起人是在英国残疾康复中心工作的吉特曼博士。
- It says here that one of the members of savage garden is in drug rehabilitation. 据说野人花园乐队成员的成员之一在戒毒。
- Our funding covers transportation and training costs for a programme at the drug rehabilitation centre in Siu Lam. 抬轿比赛慈善基金资助小榄戒毒康复中心戒毒康复计划的交通及训练费用。
- As the founder of Wildlife Images Rehabilitation Center,I had more than enough to do to keep up with the wild animals in our care. 做为野生动物康复中心的创建人,我照顾野生动物的事多得做不完。
- Effie capsule (renal rehabilitation): the only category of renal drug rehabilitation. 艾菲胶囊(肾复康):唯一的肾科康复 类用药。
- Wish your mother will continue having improvement at the Zang Zhou rehabilitation center! 祝愿您的母亲在常州康复中心能不断提高和改进。
- Britney Spears has entered a rehabilitation center two days after a bizarre incident in which she shaved her own head. 在上周末一系列荒唐举动之后,布兰妮周二主动去康复中心寻求治疗。
- At press time, the cause of his death had not been determined. According to an ABT spokesperson, Bissell was enrolled in a company drug rehabilitation program at the time. 截至截稿日期,死因尚未确定。不过,根据美国芭蕾舞剧院一个发言人所说,比斯尔死时正在一家戒毒中心接受治疗。
- Students will take a ferry to Drug Rehabilitation Center. Students should provide their own medicine for seasickness prevention. 戒毒中心探访将会乘坐船前往,如有需要,同学请自备药用品。
- A Rehabilitation Center for Juvenile Delinquents We all say that young people are the hope of a family?the future of our society. 我们都说青少年是家庭的希望,社会的未来。
- To initiate formal rehabilitation therapy, a physician must write a referral to a physiatrist, therapist, or rehabilitation center. 康复治疗可以在急诊保健医院进行,但那里鲜有系列性康复治疗方案。
- In 2000, Maradona was hospitalized with a severe heart problem while holidaying in Uruguay and tested positive for cocaine before undergoing drug rehabilitation in Cuba. 阿根廷媒体透露,老马周三入院,原因不明。