- RESULTS &CONCLUSIONS:The drug clinical trial institution of a hospital can work efficiently and fruitfully only with the support of the hospital ma... 结果与结论:只有医院领导正确认识,高度重视,措施得力,加强人才培养、硬件和软件建设,才能高质量高效率地开展医院药物临床试验机构的工作。
- This article discusses the purpose, procedures and contents of the inspection of drug clinical trials and illustrates the importance of inspection in drug clinical trial supervision. 本文就药品临床试验视察的目的、程序、内容等进行阐述,表明视察在药品临床试验监督中的重要作用。
- Keywords The drug clinical trial;GCP;Research;Subject; 药物试验;GCP;受试者;研究者;
- GCP certification has greatly improved the quality of drug clinical trials in China.Meanwhile, an increasing number of international multi-centered clinical trials are being carried out in China. 药物GCP资格认定工作推动了中国药物临床试验质量大幅度提高,越来越多的国际多中心临床试验在中国开展。
- Author Chen Huaying;Lin Yang*;Wen Shaojun;Han Min;Zhou Zijie(Medical Institution of Drug Clinical Trial;Beijing Anzhen Hospital;Capital Medical University); 作者陈华英;林阳;温绍君;韩敏;周子杰;
- SPSS programs for blind review in drug clinical trials 药物临床试验盲态审核的SPSS实现
- Sign up for our Clinical Trial Registry! 签约为我们的临床试验登记!
- The clinical trial will be starting in late July. 临床试验将会从七月后期开始。
- The drug clinical trial 药物试验
- Drug clinical trial institution 药物临床试验机构
- drug clinical trial 药物临床试验
- The new drug is undergoing clinical trials. 这种新药正在进行临床试验。
- They are doing clinical trials on a new drug. 他们正在做一种新药物的临床试验。
- The funding will be used to deelop the drug to a point at which it is close to entering a clinical trial. 该基金用于开发应用于临床试验阶段的药物。
- Methods A randomized controlled multi-centre clinical trial was conducted.Ofloxacin used as the control drug. 方法采用多中心随机对照方法,并选用氧氟沙星作为对照。
- Clinical trial of mifepristone in different dose for emergency contraception. 不同剂量米非司酮用于紧急避孕的临床比较观察。
- The drug co-developers have already begun a clinical trial of Rituxan in a more severe form of the disease, primary progressive multiple sclerosis. 这种药物的联合开发者们已经开始在更加严重的多发性硬化患者里开展了临床试验,主要是进行性的多发性硬化病人。
- Objective This clinical trial is to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of Bonin. 目的 进行临床试验来评价博宁治疗肿瘤骨转移引起的疼痛的疗效。
- The Hopkins group is conducting a clinical trial of xenograft model. 霍普金斯研究小组进行了异种移植的临床试验。
- His team is now planning a full-scale clinical trial of the cortisol treatment. 他的团队正在计划完整的可体松测试。