- birds' droppings; birds' dung; droppings of fowls 鸟粪
- I prefer the taste of chicken to that of other kinds of fowl. 我比较喜欢吃鸡而较不喜欢其他种类的家禽。
- A drop of blood slid down his leg. 他的腿上流着一点儿血。
- I'll have a wee drop of cream in my coffee. 我要在咖啡里放一丁点儿奶油。
- Chicken and ducks are two types of fowl. 鸡和鸭是两种家禽。
- He made up his mind never to touch a drop of drink. 他决心不再喝酒。
- She felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed out of her. 她感到自己的感情被榨得一滴不剩了。
- His father chased down a glass of wine with a drop of water. 他的父亲喝下一杯酒后接着又喝了少许水。
- A drop of milk diffused in the water, and it became cloudy. 一滴奶在水中扩散开来,使水变得混浊不清了。
- Here come the orator, with his flood of word and his drop of reason. 来了个演讲大家,确是口若悬河,但仅有点滴道理。
- Every drop of ink in my pen ran cold. 我的钢笔的每一滴墨水都变凉了。
- If somebody offered me a trip to Bermuda I'd be off at the drop of a hat. 如果有人请我去百慕大群岛旅行的话,我会立即出发的。
- Defend our homeland to the last drop of our blood! 为保卫国土流最后一滴血!
- droppings of fowls 鸟粪
- A little drop of scotch would be very welcome. 很想来一点儿酒。
- She would blush at the drop of a hat. 她动不动就脸红。
- Little drops of water make the mighty ocean. [谚]涓滴之水汇成洋。
- Bite a dove's head off (or substitute for any form of fowl). 咬掉一只鸽子的脑袋(可用其他禽类替代)。
- A drop of ink spreads on the paper. 一滴墨水在纸上形成了一片墨迹。
- A drop of ink will tinge a glass of water. 一滴墨水就能使一杯清水染上一点儿颜色。