- DOGGETT looking up under the dropped ceiling in GIBSON PRAISE's room. His flashlight finds an unconscious SKINNER, his eyes badly wounded. 到跟抬头看着吉普森普雷兹屋里掉下的天花板。他的手电筒找到了昏迷的斯金纳,他的眼睛伤得很厉害。
- CUT TO: DOGGETT looking up under the dropped ceiling in GIBSON PRAISE's room. His flashlight finds an unconscious SKINNER, his eyes badly wounded. (切到:到跟抬头看着吉普森普雷兹屋里掉下的天花板。他的手电筒找到了昏迷的斯金纳,他的眼睛伤得很厉害。)
- For blower fan coil,adopting local drop ceiling when they are setting with new wind,but adopting a manner of katabatic wind when they arn’t setting with new wind. 对于风机盘管,加新风的部分采用局部吊顶,不加新风的部分采用下送风的方式。
- Some chandeliers are suspended from the ceiling. 几盏枝形吊灯从天花板悬吊下来。
- This ceiling has a carved panel. 这块天花板带有刻花镶板。
- The overripe apples dropped down from the trees. 过熟的苹果从树上掉了下来。
- Big lights hung from the ceiling. 天花板上吊着几盏大吊灯。
- She dropped gratefully into the chair. 她如释重负地在椅子上坐了下来。
- I nearly hit the ceiling when you spoke. 你一开口就吓了我一大跳。
- Soon I dropped behind the rest of the class. 不久我就落在班上其他同志后面了。
- He cracked his nut on the ceiling. 他的头让天花板碰破了。
- Old and young dropped in to help us with the work. 老老少少都跑来帮我们的忙。
- My watch has not kept good time since I dropped it. 我的表自从摔了以后就不准了。
- My bedroom is a large room with a high ceiling. 我的卧室是一个天花板很高的大房间。
- Poor Mr White dropped dead in the street yesterday. 可怜的怀特先生昨天突然死在大街上。
- She dropped into a chair, utterly worn out. 她一下子坐到椅子里,筋疲力尽了。
- Mind you don't bump your head on the low ceiling. 天花板很低,留神别碰头。
- The lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 灯吊在天花板上。
- He dropped in on us last Sunday. 上星期天他来看我们了。
- Painting the ceiling was a tough nut to crack. 油漆天花板是件难事。