- The rain dropped from the clouds. 雨由云中落下。
- The rain dropped from the clouds . 雨由云中落下。
- Rain began to drop from the clouded sky. 雨水开始从阴暗的天空滴下来。
- A fair lady appeared on the scene,as if she had dropped from the clouds. 一位美女突然出现在舞台上,如同从天上掉下来一般。
- Vultures who drop from the clouds like heavy stones.Talons and beak, that's what we are!A huge intestinal apparatus with a nose for dead meat. 我门就是从云里像沉重的石头一样落下的兀鹰,就是它们的爪和嘴,它的巨大的消化器官有一个专嗅臭肉的鼻子。
- The wind dispersed the cloud from the sky. 风吹散了天上的云。
- I ask him, why will have this kind of idea? he tells me, him frequently fantasized since childhood he can run into uncle who such drops from the clouds, however had not met. 我问他,为什么会产生这样一个想法?他告诉我,他从小就经常幻想自己能遇到这样一个从天而降的叔叔,然而一直没有遇到过。
- He's been dropped from the boxing team. 他已被拳击队除名。
- The clouds have dispersed from the sky. 天空中的乌云已经消散了。
- Some plumage dropped from the bird. 从鸟身上掉下来几根羽毛。
- To fall in drops of water from the clouds. 下雨从云中以水滴形式下降
- Hou Bin inserts the torch on the wheelchair support, is entraining the rope which tightly drops from the clouds, one foot one foot, one inch one inch upward climbs! 侯斌将火炬插在轮椅支架上,紧拽着从天而降的绳索,一尺一尺、一寸一寸往上攀缘!
- Many dated expressions are being dropped from the new dictionary. 这本新词典中删去了很多过时的词语。
- Wind dispersed the cloud from the sky. 风吹散了天上的云。
- Rain drops from the clouds. 云能生雨。
- He was pretty choked about being dropped from the team. 他因为队里未选用他而耿耿于怀。
- Rain drops from the cloud. 云层中落下雨滴。
- His name was dropped from the list. 他的名字被从名单上除去了。
- Refugees receive monthly supply drop from the Red Cross. 难民每个月都从红十字会那里收到空投下来的补给品。
- The clouds are banking up from the south. 云正从南面聚积起来。