- He is the seed dropped by the wayside. 这是指那撒在路旁的。
- Many party stalwarts dropped by the wayside on election day. 许多党的忠诚分子在选举日受挫。
- They stopped by the wayside to rest. 他们停在路边休息。
- Several ladies who were trying to lose weight had already fallen by the wayside by eating cream cakes. 几位女士试图减肥,但同时又吃奶油蛋糕,结果是半途而废。
- The tea - house is by the wayside . 茶馆在路边。
- I am just going to drop by the post office. 我要顺路到邮局一下。
- Most people fall by the wayside. 大多数人半途而废。
- I have to drop by the bank to get some money. 我得到银行去取一下钱。
- But promises of cooperation have gone by the wayside as the recession-ravaged states have desperately tried to stop the plunge in jobs. 受不景气打击的各州不顾一切地设法阻止工作机会的锐减,已把互相合作的承诺忘得一干二净。
- I need to drop by the bank to get some bread. 我要顺便去银行取点钱。
- So, did Jay Chou drop by the set? 杂志:那麽周董有来探班吗?
- We must care for the weak who would otherwise fall by the wayside. 我们要关心那些弱者,不然他们会因失败而放弃努力的。
- The drill sergeant took the men on a ten-mile march and they were all ready to drop by the time they got back to barracks. 那个教官带领士兵们作了10英里的行军,结果他们回到军营时全都累得快要趴下了。
- David is a person who likes to do everything, and once he begins to do something, he never falls by the wayside. 大卫是一个喜欢什么都想试一试的人,一旦他开始做某事,他就从不半途而废。
- Of the ten contestants seven fell by the wayside. 十名参赛者有七名中途退出。
- We stopped by the wayside to rest. 我们停在路旁休息。
- I have got to drop by the bank to get some money. 我必须到银行去取点钱。
- A lot of YTS players end up falling by the wayside. 许多的青训营的球员最后都被淘汰了。
- Ve got to drop by the bank to get some money. 我不得不去银行提些钱。
- The tea-house is by the wayside. 茶馆在路边。