- I have never heard such silly drivel in all my life. 我一生中从未听到过这样的蠢话。
- He was drivelling on about the meaning of life. 他喋喋不休地胡诌什麽人生的意义。
- The baby sat drivelling in his highchair. 婴儿坐在高脚椅里淌口水。
- What is the speaker drivelling about now? 发言者在胡说些什么呀?
- What's the chairman driveling about now? 主席在瞎说些什么?
- Xiangzi couldn't bear to listen to this drivel. 祥子不能再听这些闲盘儿。
- To let saliva run from the mouth;drivel. 垂涎让口水从口中流出;流口水
- Now don't you give me that stale drivel, Leslie. 莱斯里,你别也来向我胡扯那套陈词滥调。
- To let saliva run from the mouth; drivel. 垂涎让口水从口中流出;流口水
- Does drivel have a stink? How should treat? 鼻涕有臭味?要怎么治疗?
- But there is too little gold and too much drivel. 但是宝贵的东西太少,胡言乱语太多。
- Yungching: Poets always can talk fantastic drivel. 永清曰:能诗者必能说鬼话。
- The drivel rhinitis that which come to? 建议去医院看看!!哪来的鼻涕鼻炎?
- How can you watch that drivel on TV? 你怎么能看电视上那种胡说八道的东西?
- He saw the wound drivelling blood and could do nothing. 他看着在慢慢淌血的伤口,毫无办法。
- The driveling song seemed to have kept its popularity. 这喋喋不休的歌曲盛行不衰。
- That stupid television speaker is drivelling on again! 那个愚蠢的电视播音员又在喋喋不休地胡说了。
- Sure, only Elliot ends up a sniveling , driveling fool. 他变成了一个成天流着眼泪淌着口水的傻瓜。流鼻涕,啜泣。
- Sure, only Elliot ends up a sniveling, driveling fool. 他变成了一个成天流着眼泪淌着口水的傻瓜。
- Hanchen: Those who talk fantastic drivel should be the last. 含徵曰:说鬼话者又次之。