- Using the robotic micro-drill, the deice is able to detect the approach of the drill tip as it approaches this tissue interface. 而在应用这种机器人显微钻时,该设备在接近这个组织交界面时可以自动检测钻头的进路。
- Multi-facet drill tip is favorable in chip splitting.But it is incapable of breaking the chips split in three segments separately. 群钻钻尖用于不锈钢钻削,有较好的排屑性能,但是难于实现三段切屑分别断屑。
- Experiments exhibit that the chip breaking performance can be elevated by reasonable selecting the drill tip parameters and availing of the interactive forces between the chip segments. 群钻钻尖用于不锈钢钻削,有较好的排屑性能,但是难于实现三段切屑分别断屑。
- Carbide blanks for geology mines oil fields and blank for wearparts, speical blanks for drill tips, buttons.pulp nozzles and gridin wheels. 可供各种特殊尺寸的钎片、球齿及泥浆喷嘴、磨轮等合金毛坯。
- Based on the machine development, a research and analyses of auger drill bits with different kinds of drill tips and soil cut blade angles were carried out in tree planting field. 在设备研制成功的基础上;对钻孔机钻头不同钻尖、不同切土刀刃角进行了实地试验研究和分析.
- As the diamond tip of the drill revolves, it is lubricated by mud. 在钻机的金刚钻头旋转的时候,泥浆便进行了润滑。
- Did you remember to tip the porter? 你记得给搬运工小费了吗?
- That wheelbarrow is top-heavy; it'll tip over. 那辆单轮手推车重心不稳,会翻倒。
- A canoe will sometimes tip over quickly. 独木舟有时一下子会翻掉。
- At six we were fallen in for drill. 六点钟我们站好队准备操练。
- The sound of that drill jangles horribly on the nerves. 那台钻机的声音响极了,十分刺耳。
- I have her name on the tip of my tongue. 她的名字就在我嘴边,却说不出来。
- You'd better set a goal before you start the drill. 练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。
- He always has some money at the tip of his fingers. 他手头总有些钱。
- After a long drill he told the squad to fall out. 操练了好半天之后,他让这个班解散了。
- Don't lean on the table or it'll tip up. 别倚桌子,不然就倚倒了。
- I have her name at the tip of my tongue. 她的名字就在我嘴边,却说不出来。
- She had lots of drill in listening. 她在听力方面受过许多训练。
- His house is located on the tip of the peninsula. 他的房子位于半岛的顶端。
- This drill can bore through rock. 这台钻机能钻透岩石。