- The fishermen drew in their nets full of fish. 渔夫们拉回了装满鱼的渔网。
- The fishermen draw in their nets full of fish . 渔民们拉起满网的鱼。
- I could hear the Harvard fans draw in their breath. 我能听见那些哈佛球迷倒吸一口冷气。
- The fishermen draw in their nets full of fish. 渔民们拉起满网的鱼。
- drew in their hornsv. 打退堂鼓(缩减)
- draw in their hornsvi. 打退堂鼓(缩减)
- The seamen draw in their oars and hoist their sails. 海员们收起浆,挂起帆。
- Don't let yourself get drawn in their argument. 别让自己卷入他们的争论中。
- drawn in their hornsv. 打退堂鼓(缩减)
- Groups of smoking salary men pause in their conversations, agog;passing cars toot their horns and youn women smile at him as they "walk by. 在他经过之处,人群留下渴望的神态,经过的汽车向他鸣号致意,经过的年轻女性向他微笑。
- Some kinds of deer shed their horns. 鹿有些种类能脱换鹿角。
- The drivers were tooting their horns. 司机在鸣喇叭。
- Passing motorists sounded their horns in support. 开车路过的人揿响喇叭表示支持。
- The train drew in and all the passengers got off. 列车缓缓驶进了车站,所有的乘客都下了车。
- Even the rudest people pull in their horns under the strain of uncertainty. Those who get visas seem instantly to forget their exhaustion, whereas those who are rejected succumb to it completely. 再鲁莽张扬的人也会有所收敛,而那些获得签证的人们似乎立刻忘记了等待的疲劳,而被拒签的人则完全被沮丧笼罩了。
- It's not as crowded as a typical train station.Of course, we have two staff members to keep order,” he said.Even the rudest people pull in their horns under the strain of uncertainty. 中国人去美国留学必须办理赴美非移民签证,签证程序中的面谈是所有申请人最为关注的一个环节,面谈不通过就无法前往美国。
- Even the rudest people pull in their horns under the strain of uncertainty.Those who get visas seem instantly to forget their exhaustion, whereas those who are rejected succumb to it completely. 几乎每个申请赴美签证的中国人都体验过“站功”,就是在签证大厅里站上两个小时面谈。
- Bayern led Schalke by three points, needing a draw in their match against Hamburg to clinch the title. 拜仁领先沙尔克3分,对阵汉堡需要至少1场平局才能保住冠军。
- The fisher drew in the net and found a big goldfish in it. 渔夫收了网,发现有一条大金鱼在里面。
- The two stags interlocked their horns. 两只雄鹿把角叉到一起了。