- She drew herself up as we approached. 当我们走近时,她把身子直了起来。
- When we said that Mary was getting fat,she drew herself up angrily and walked out of the room. 当我说玛丽发胖了时,她气得挺身走出了屋子。
- When we said that Mary was getting fat, she drew herself up angrily and walked out of the room. 当我说玛丽发胖了时,她气得挺身走出了屋子。
- There was a dress of Jennie's lying across a chair, in a familiar way, which caused Miss Kane to draw herself up warily. 有一件珍妮的衣服披在椅子上,看样子很是亲昵,使得甘小姐很觉不好意思。
- "We'll figure it out," says Sherrill, drawing herself up and forcing a cheerful smile. “我们会想出办法的,”谢里尔说,她站起身,强作欢颜。
- She dolled herself up as though she was a girl of eighteen. 她打扮得花枝招展,好像是个十八岁的姑娘似的。
- Mary has posted herself up for the dinner party. 玛丽为了参加宴会而浓妆艳抹。
- She pranked herself up in her best. 她穿上了最好的衣服,把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的。
- She got herself up in a new dress. 她穿上了新洋装。
- She tricked herself up for the banquet. 她打扮整齐去赴宴会。
- She had a drink to jazz herself up. 她喝了杯酒来兴奋一下。
- She has done herself up for the party. 她已打扮好了,准备去参加宴会。
- and as she spoke, the darning-needle drew herself up so proudly that she fell out of the handkerchief right into the sink, which the cook was cleaning. 织补针说,“甚么也没有,不过自以为了不起罢了。
- She perked herself up before going to the dinner party. 她在赴宴前把自己打扮了一番。
- Elizabeth prettied herself up for the dancing party. 伊丽莎白为参加舞会而打扮了一番。
- She decked herself up for the banquet. 她为参加宴会而打扮自己。
- I wish she will not tart herself up for the party. 我希望她别为了宴会打扮得珠光宝气,花枝招展。
- She drew herself up indignantly 她挺直身子,义愤填膺。
- Can the baby hold herself up yet? Hold up your leg. 宝宝能自己站立了吗?抬起腿
- She dolled herself up to go to the dancing party. 她打扮起来去参加舞会。