- Well,the Club does have a dress code. 唔,我们夜总会有服装规定。
- Dress Code: Please Attend in Formal Attire. 着装要求:敬请来宾以华丽时尚服饰出席。
- Terry: The company is changing the dress code. 泰瑞:公司正在改变对衣着的规定。
- What is the dress code for the party? 聚会的时候该穿些什么?
- Improper Dress Code is a Hazard to You! 不适当的衣着,只会使您受到伤害!
- The school will strictly enforce the dress code. 该学校将严格实施着装规定。
- Our school has issued a dress code; we must act ac-cordingly. (我们学校公布了服装规定,所以我们要照著办。)
- During the war,the school dress code went out the window. 战争期间穿校服的法规被废弃了。
- The Hammond school usually has20 dress code violations a day. 在通常情况下,莫顿中学的学生平均每天会有20起违反学校着装规定的事件发生。
- Rewriting the dress code for influential women in Washington. 重写代码有影响女性服饰在华盛顿。
- The company is changing it's policy on the dress code. 公司正在改变它对衣着规定的政策。
- The Hammond school usually has 20 dress code violations a day. 在通常情况下,莫顿中学的学生平均每天会有20起违反学校着装规定的事件发生。
- During the war, the school dress code went out the window. 战争期间穿校服的法规被废弃了。
- Dress Code: Please Attend in Formal Dress or Fashion Finery. 着装要求:敬请来宾以时尚或华丽服饰出席。
- The company has a dress code for their employee, what's you viewpoint? 如果你是非学生,需要准备?
- What's In a Dress Code? Company dress code policy can get a real workout. 服装规范问题知多少?公司的员工服装必须确保自己有一套合宜的规范。
- Battle No. 1: Employees misinterpret the dress code or they don't abide by it. 搏斗1:员工误解了公司对衣着的规定,或者根本不会去遵守。
- Every office has a dress code,but in today's casual workplace,they aren't always written. 每个办公室都有其着装之道,但在当今较随便的工作场合中,着装规则并不总是明文写出。
- Before your first day,find out if your new job has a dress code (rules about what you can wear to work). 在第一天上班之前,要弄清你的新工作是否有着装规范(即关于你该穿什么去上班的要求)。
- I may be speaking out of turn,but you might like to know that your attire does not conform to the dress code here. 或许我说话有些不合时宜,但是你可能愿意知道你的衣着与这里的服装规则不相符。