- He dawdles the hours away watching television. 他把时间都荒废在看电视上了。
- dream the hours away 虚度光阴
- They were drinking the hours away. 他们借喝酒消磨时间。
- The idler idles away the hours watching TV. 那个游手好闲的人把时间浪费在看电视上。
- The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的鸣钟报时。
- The necessity for such common cries as "Wake up and live" is to me a good sign that a wise portion of American humanity prefer to dream the hours away. The American is after all not as bad as all that. 象“醒转来生活吧”(Wakeupandlive)这种普遍的呼声的存在,在我看来,足以证明美国有一部分的人宁愿在梦中虚度光阴,可是美国人终究还不至于那样糟糕。
- But Ping is totally different.He is “dead already” at first;a beau dawdling the hours away, until he is awakened by Fanyi’s passion. 但是话说回来,昆曲的曲调又是相对固定的,作曲这方面没有太多发挥的余地。
- He doodled the hours away. 他把时间混掉了。
- They drank the hours away. 他们把时间在饮酒中虚度。
- The little clock tinkled out the hours. 那只小钟叮叮当当地报时。
- It's easy to while a few hours away in a museum. 在博物馆里很容易打发掉几个小时。
- Father must take his pill on the hour. 父亲必须在每点钟准点吃药丸。
- The London bus departs every hour on the hour. 伦敦的公共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。
- He drank the hours away. 他把时光都在喝酒中浪费了。
- In the dream the sight's so refulgent. 梦中的景象如此辉煌。
- Have you considered the difficulties that this job will cause you?Yes,I realize that the hours away from my home are long,and that I must deal with all sorts of people. This can make a person feel lonely and homesick but I think I can overcome it. 你有没有考虑到这种工作会给你带来的困难?
- The hours of the two meetings conflict. 这两个会议时间冲突。
- They hire out boats by the hour. 他们按小时出租小船。
- The old lady expired within the hour. 那个老太太不到一小时就死了。
- Puttered away the hours in the garden. 在花圈里把时间消磨掉