- Dream Team still the best ever. Or is it? 梦之队依旧是最好的球队?
- There they are. The mercenary dream team. 他们来了。佣兵的梦幻组合。
- Q: What about the rumours of a Schumacher-Brawn dream team? 那么有关舒马赫-布朗梦之队的谣言呢?
- The American Basketball Team is nicknamed the "dream team". 美国篮球队被称为"梦之队"。
- Rhena Jasey, a Harvard graduate, is on a teaching dream team. 美国哈佛大学毕业生,教学梦之队的一员。
- Our team faced off against the U.S. Dream team in the 2000 summer Olympics. 在2000年的夏季奥运会上,我们的球队和美国的梦之队同场竞技。
- Create your dream team and guide it to the conquest of the championship! 游戏有两个模式供玩家选择:预赛和决赛。
- I wish I could have seen the Dream Team play in the Barcelona 1992 Olympics. 我希望我观看了那场1992年巴塞罗那奥运会中梦之队的比赛。
- Barkley became the first killer in Dream Team I for 18pts per match at average. 巴克利以场均18分成为梦一队的杀神魔王。
- Undoubtedly,the so-called "Dream Team" has no rival,since NBA professionals are permitted to participate. 因为允许NBA职业选手参加,毫无疑问,这支所谓的“梦之队”就没有对手了。
- With the retirement of Charles Barkley, the Dream Team Generation is nearing its end. 随着巴克利的退役,梦之队的一代人几近要退出历史舞台。
- Undoubtedly, the so-called "Dream Team" has no rival, since NBA professionals are permitted to participate. 因为允许nba职业选手参加,毫无疑问,这支所谓的“梦之队”就没有对手了。
- And I have to owe my heart-felt thanks to our district governor Dick Fu and all of the dream team members 2005-2006. 尤其要感谢傅总会长和所有服务团队干部的相互信任和合作奉献,使台湾地区总会能有今天亮丽的表现。
- Everywhere they went, the media followed.The Dream Team trounced Angola 116-48, going 8-0 enroute to the gold. “梦之队”以116比48痛击了安哥拉队,以8比0的战绩直抵金牌。
- Maybe I'll make the Dream Team one day.But for now, just call me Gary.Jennifer :A sad case of brainwashing... 也许有一天我会组个梦幻球队,但是从现在起,就叫我盖瑞吧。
- Put together a "dream team" for learning: inspire students to learn and encourage teachers to pursue advanced study and improve their teaching methods. 激发学习风气,鼓励进修、创新教学、形塑学习组织的希望团队。
- Led by legends Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, the U.S. Dream Team captured a gold medal in the 1992 Summer Olympics. 在传奇人物迈克尔-乔丹,魔术师约翰逊和大鸟伯德的带领下,“梦之队”摘下了1992年夏季奥运会的金牌。
- What's being redeemed isn't only their record but their global reputation, which had suffered in the years since 1992's Dream Team. 美国男篮要挽回的不只是他们显赫的战绩,更要挽回自1992年梦之队建立的享誉国际的名声。
- S. squad could live up to the Dream Team's esprit, excellence or popularity, which they all quickly tired of hearing about. 他们已经厌倦了出色的战绩和知名度。
- Scorning This Old accustomed to crowded, people familiar with the support of the "Dream Team" on the disappearance of so what? 习惯了笑傲群雄,那支人们熟悉的“梦之队”就这么消失了么?