- Who cares? I go to the movie for Keanu Reeves. He's my dream lover. 谁在乎?我去电影院是去看。
- The evening will lauryl girl who leaves on the pillows, hoping to dream lover. 姑娘们晚上将月桂树叶放在枕头上,希望梦见自己的情人。
- Immediately below and almost as prominent was the slogan: As Gentle As Your Dream Lover. 下面是一行同样显眼的口号:如梦中情人一样温柔。
- Your beauty turns my heart on, A new love story has to go on. You are my dream lover I must say, Without your love there is no day. 你的美震撼我心我禁不住爱上你你是我梦中情人不能没有你的爱。
- My dream lovers is Gentle and Quiet! 我的梦中情人是文静的!
- Andy and Rosamund could only become dream lovers. 最后仁与姑只能在梦中续缘。
- Yuk Fung served as a playmate and the bodyguard of Prince.It was until Prince met with his dream lover, Tweedy, did he realize the feeling of love. 十六岁那年,太子获赠一美女玉凤为生日礼物,从此玉凤成为他的保镳,更成为他的洩欲工具。
- When she spots her dream lover, Peter, getting mugged at the station, she rescues him and brings him to a hospital, but Peter goes into a coma. 然而,她一直没有跟这个梦中情人有交谈的机会,直至有一天她的梦中情人遇劫,被人推落路轨,昏迷不醒,璐茜更把他送进医院里。
- In a search for a treasure aiming for a reward from the devil, Andy met and found his long time dream lover, Rosamund.However in order to save Rosamund from the Devil, Andy was killed. 仁与师父、师弟应魔王悬赏取得了异宝,但仁为救出被冰封的梦中人姑与魔王相斗而死。
- An undertaker falls in love with the beautiful wife of a Mafia Boss.A woman with enough firepower to ignite a building.He uses every trick and cunning way to win the heart of his dream lover. 黑社会大哥捲入一宗重案,被警方通揖,装死藏匿于一所殡仪馆,但殡仪佬却爱上黑社会大哥美丽的太太,用尽奇谋奸计去赢取她的芳心。
- Araby tells the story that a Dublin teenager pursues his dreaming lover but ends in vain. 《阿拉比》讲述的是一个都柏林少年追求朦胧爱情,但最终梦想破灭的故事。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- He plucked a rose for his lover. 他为情人摘了一朵玫瑰花。
- Mary soon wearied of him and found another lover. 玛丽很快就对他厌烦了又找了另一个情人。
- The attainment of her ambitions was still a dream. 她要实现抱负仍是一种梦想。
- They say he used to be her lover. 据说他曾是她的婚外情人。
- It was his dream to play football for his country. 他的理想是加入国家足球队。
- Speaking of his lover, his eyes sparkled. 谈到他的情人时,他的双眼闪烁着光芒。
- I'd never dream of allowing my child to do that. 我决不允许我的孩子做那种事。
- She looked at her lover with a pretentious pout. 她看着恋人,故作不悦地撅着嘴。