- He has always stood in dread of his father. 他一见到他父亲就害怕。
- The bride was given away by her father. 由父亲把新娘交与新郎。
- He modeled himself on his father. 他把他的父亲作为自己的楷模。
- The Jews lived in dread of being caught. 这些犹太人生活在会遭到拘捕的恐惧之中。
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。
- Feeling reverence, dread, or awe. 敬畏的感到尊敬,害怕或崇拜的
- They lived in hourly dread of discovery. 他们时时刻刻担心被人发觉。
- I can cajole some money out of my father. 我能设法向父亲再要到一点钱。
- Father bought a new welcome mat for our new house. 爸爸为我们的新房子买了一个擦鞋垫。
- He is cast in his father's mold. 他长得和他父亲一模一样。
- My father's health was undermined by drink. 我爸爸的健康逐渐为酒所损害。
- My brother is always at my father's beck and call. 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
- He had to live in the shadow of his famous father. 他不得不在他那有名望的父亲的庇护下生活。
- My father is a dab hand at baking bread. 做面包是我父亲的拿手好戏。
- I dread to think what will happen if she finds out the truth. 我不敢去想她知道真相后会怎么样。
- He ignored his father's injunction to be silent. 他不理睬父亲要他沉默的命令。
- Father must take his pill on the hour. 父亲必须在每点钟准点吃药丸。
- The naughty boy stood in terror of his father. 那调皮的男孩子很怕他父亲。
- Father disapproved of our marriage. 父亲不同意我们俩人的婚事。
- I dread the coming exams. If only I could have time to review my lessons. 我对即将到来的考试非常担心。如果我有时间复习该有多好啊。