- Showoffs never miss an opportunity to draw attention to themselves by some outrageous novelty. 爱显示自己的人遇事总喜欢标新立异。
- She can draw attention to herself. 她能吸引人们注意她。
- A headline on the front page draws attention to the fuller story inside. 扉页上的大字标题为的是吸引你注意里面的详细内容。
- He drew attention to the rising unemployment. 失业率日渐升高引起了他的注意。
- Does he wear those ridiculous clothes to draw attention to himself? 他穿那些古怪的服装是要吸引别人的注意吗?
- To say so is to draw attention to the complexity of the American scene. 这样说是要人们注意到美国社会的复杂性。
- Subtitle We must continue having exhibitions to draw attention to ourselves. (字幕)要不断办展览,让大家都注意我们。
- You can create an empirewaist style with a belt to draw attention to your top. 你可以用皮带制造出高腰的效果,把注意力拉到你的上半身。
- The article was intended to draw attention to the situation in Cambodia. 这篇文章的意图是引起人们对柬埔寨形势的注意.
- You can create an empire waist with a belt to draw attention to your top. 你可以用皮带制造出高腰的效果,把注意力拉到你的上半身。
- True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to the public. 真正的艺术家从未打算去吸引大众的注意力。
- Add a few throw pillows to catch the eye and draw attention to their beauty! 再放上几个抱枕以吸引目光,使人注意到它们多么美丽!
- True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves. 真正古怪的人从来不故意引人瞩目。
- Manfred: If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal. 曼弗瑞德:如果我的鼻子像你的一样那么小,我一定不敢吭气。
- She spoke as though she were drawing attention to rarity. 她说话的口气好象是叫人看什么稀罕玩意儿。
- Controversy draws attention to a book and can increase sales. 争论能够引起对一本书的注意,并能增加它的销路。
- Are you visually drawing attention to the important stuff? 试试看,你能否被这些重要内容吸引。
- Second, he draws attention to his wholesome private life. 其次,他将大家的注意力吸引到他健康的私人生活。
- Mr Schuman also draws attention to the crucial role America played. 舒曼先生也意识到了美国在其中扮演的重要角色。
- She spoke as though she were drawing attention to rarity . 她说话的口气好象是叫人看什么稀罕玩意儿。