- The female dramatis personae in this book is a real portraiture of writer. 书中女主人公是作者的真实写照。
- The female dramatis personae in the book is the real portraiture of the writer. 书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。
- "I",the dramatis personae is a common girl who is lived on Mango Street. “我”,剧中人是在芒果街道居住的一个共同的女孩。
- As the incomplete love going along with polt, a tragic ending arised among dramatis personae. 只是书中的爱情并不完美,男女主人公的爱情最终是一个悲剧。
- The second chapter: “Self’ and “himself” are transformed into “author” and “dramatis personae”. 第二章、“自我”与“他者”关系的转换:“作者”与“主人公”。
- It’s about dramatis personae Robinson who met a frightful wind while he sailed on the sea. 它是讲一个过去在海上航行遇到可怕风浪的人。
- I like it, though I don't think I can reap a successful carrer as well as romance like the dramatis personae. 这本书生动、有趣,是专门提取外企白领生活精华浓缩出来的,我蛮喜欢,尽管我不认为主人公爱情事业双丰收的好事会落到我头上。
- Tragedy spirit is the struggling spirit and sacrifice spirit that dramatis personae oppose doom fate for some perfect value. 悲剧精神是悲剧主人公为实现某种美好的价值而同不幸命运抗争的奋斗精神和牺牲精神。
- The dramatis personae who only need reply "yes or no" all cannot directly reply, either donot reply ,or changing the topic. 剧中人物对只需回答“是与不是”的问题一般都不会直接回答,或者不回答,或者顾左右而言他。
- In this paper,we focus on interpersonal metaphor in two speeches made by the dramatis personae in the novel Invisible Man. 人际语法隐喻是系统功能语言学中语法隐喻的组成部分之一,它包括语气隐喻和情态隐喻。
- But what has the rightness or wrongness of a dramatis persona's economic views got to do with his acting? 但是,一个剧中人的经济观点的是与非和他的表演又有什么关系呢?
- This sci-fi told about the feelings and findings of the dramatis personae' who had gone back to the remote antiquity times. 这部科幻小说讲述的是主人公回到荒古时代的所见所感。
- But on this most auspicious of nights. Permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet. To suggest the characterof this dramatis persona. 这样一个美好的夜晚请允许我建议用更平常的语言来介绍一位戏剧性的角色。
- But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. 但是在这最吉祥的夜晚,请允许我,不用那种更为寻常的诨号来揭示出剧中的这个角色。
- The dramatis personae of this story was a boy in a gutter of San Francisco .Becuase of cacotrophia,he got sick with his leg.He couldn't stand with his leg straight. 他是橄榄球员传奇人物吉姆 布朗的球迷,每当吉姆所在的克里夫兰布朗斯队和旧金山49人队在旧金山比赛时,这个男孩便不顾双腿的不便,一跛一跛地到球场去为自己的偶像加油。
- After I was weaken up, I found qualm in a lot of novels was false; felling down on floors quickly, or felling down on sofas slowly, I thought dramatis personae acted a part. 我身体虚弱以后,才发现很多小说里描写的晕眩是虚假的;那种噗咚一声摔在地板上,或软软地倒在沙发上的描写,多半是主人公的装腔作势。
- The dramatis personae Jia Baoyu cannot change rules of the world, although he holds godhood of uncommon stone and shen-ying shi zhe, although he was born in a noble family. 含玉而生的贾宝玉,前身既凝聚了补天顽石和神瑛侍者神性,在人间又是大贵之家的宠儿,但却改变不了尘间规则,依旧经历人间的悲凉;
- V- But on this most auspicious of nights...permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet...to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. (但是,在如此幸运的一个夜晚...请允许我,在众多的平凡的角色之中向您介绍这个戏剧的主角。)
- In the aspect of material, many early works of Hsu Yu, who was just back from France in 1938, describe the romance experienced by dramatis personae while traveling in other countries. 从题材上看,留法归来的徐訏所创作的多部作品,都以旅行为写作背景,描写主人公在异国他乡所经历的传奇之事。
- This papre trying to analyze on dramatis personae Charles's unnatural and natural life to discuss the meaning that human existing, from the point of philosophic theory of existentialism. 本文试图从存在主义哲学理论出发,通过分析主人公查尔斯的非本真和本真生活来探讨人生存在的意义。