- "Right now he has no fever, and we have removed the drain tube from his wound. “现在他并没有发烧,我们也去掉了在伤口上的排泄管(不知道正确名字)。
- A drain tube extends from the upper end of the labium;this will drain any accumulated blood or fluid during the first few days after surgery. 从阴唇上端延伸下来一条排除液体的管子,这条管子在术后的几天内都会排出这个区域累积的淤血或体液。
- A drain tube extends from the u er end of the labium;this will drain any accumulated blood or fluid during the first few days after surgery. 从阴唇上端延伸下来一条排除液体的管子,这条管子在术后的几天内都会排出这个区域累积的淤血或体液。
- Objective To investigate the effectiveness of persistent drainage in the treatment of duodena fistula by placing drain tube in the stomach and the jejunm. 目的探讨胃、空肠内置管持续引流治疗十二指肠瘘的效果。
- Plasm drain tube is put on both paracolic sulci,pan-drainage strip is put on Pelic kidney and right iliac fossa,the pathologic check after operation show that:acute simple appendicitis. 术后阑尾病理学检查结果:急性单纯性阑尾炎。
- Clean drain tubes with brush. 用小刷子清洗吸引管道。
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。
- On Performance of Spiral Drain Tube UPVC and Installation 浅谈UPVC螺旋排水管的性能与设计安装
- The drug was administered through various routes,such as T-type tube in 7 cases,draining tube of he- patobiliary duct in 4 eases and Foley tube in 6 cases. 经 T 型管途经给药7例; 经肝胆管引流管4例;
- Pull (out) the plug and let the water drain away. 拔掉塞子,把水放掉。
- They are digging trenches to drain the water off. 他们正在掘沟排水。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- They are digging trenches to drain the water away. 他们正在掘沟排水。
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把试管拿在手里。
- The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain. 咖啡渣堵塞了厨房的排水道。
- The drain is blocked and needs unplugging. 排水管堵塞了,得疏通一下。
- The bathtub drain needs repairing. 浴盆的排水管需要修理。
- I must buy a tube of toothpaste. 我必须买一支牙膏。
- All hands turned out to repair the terraces and drain the water. 所有劳动力都出来整修梯田,排除积水。
- This tube is flexible but tough. 这管子柔软但很坚固。