- Explains how to drag and drop text. 说明如何拖放文本。
- Mouse drag and drop function should work fine now. 鼠标拖拽链接现在应该工作正常了.
- Drag and drop reordering for browser tabs. 可以拖拽和重排标签序列。
- You can drag and drop many things in the GIMP. 20 GIMP里面很多东西都是可以拖曳的。
- Drag and drop the files you want to copy, and there you go. 拖放您要拷贝的文件,就可以了。
- You may also drag and drop the entire group to the right. 你也可以把整个群组拉到右面。
- English: You can drag and drop many things in the GIMP. GIMP里面很多东西都是可以拖曳的。
- Drag and drop an FLV file into this window to open it... 这个播放器上的提示。。。播放起打开。。文件拖进去就可以了。。
- You can drag and drop text in the Module window. On the Tools menu, click Options, then click the Module tab and select Drag-and-Drop Text Editing . 可以在“模块”窗口中拖放文本。单击“工具”菜单中的“选项”命令,然后单击“模块”选项卡,并选择“拖放文本编辑”。
- Shortcuts 0.5 support drag and drop text and automatic preservation. 5支持快捷键和自动保存拖放文本。
- Most people copy and move files using a method called drag and drop. 大多数人使用称为“拖放”的方法复制和移动文件。
- Drag and Drop You can drag and drop files from one project to another. “拖放”可以将文件从一个项目拖放到另一个项目。
- Drag and drop keyboard mapping and advanced scripting functionality. 拖放键盘映射和高级脚本功能。
- This extended list control allow OLE drag and drop between list controls. 这个扩展的列表控件支持列表控件间的OLE拖放操作。
- You can also move servers by dragging and dropping. 也可以通过拖放操作移动服务器。
- The better firewall products let you drag and drop groups in a graphical user interface (GUI) environment to easily define network security. 更好的防火墙产品可以让你在一种图形用户接口(GUI)环境中用鼠标器在屏幕上操作进行分组,以便简便地定义网络安全性。
- Click on each funnel to hear the noise the word makes. Then, drag and drop the right word to the end of the sentence. 点击每一个小漏斗听每个单词的声音,然后选择正确声音的单词拖到句子的结尾。
- Database explorer is used for drag and drop database development and table modification. 数据库Explorer用于数据库开发和表格修正中的拖放。
- To build expressions, you can drag and drop items from either list onto the expression column. 若要生成表达式,可以从任一列表中将项拖放到表达式列上。
- To get started, select a report layout template and then simply drag and drop the fields into the design area. 开始时,只需选择一个报表布局模板,再将字段拖放到设计区域中即可。