- dracaena pulescans 轮叶竹蕉
- Dracaena cambodiana Pierre ex Gagnep. 海南龙血树
- Resin of Dracaena cochinchinensis (Lour.)S. C. Ghen. 龙血竭
- Research Advances in Flavonoids and Steroids in Plants of Dracaena Vand.ex L. 对龙血树属植物黄酮类和甾体类化合物的成分和药理活性的研究进展进行了综述.
- A new plant resource in Yunnan, the “Dragon Blood” (Dracaena cambodiana). 云南的一种新植物资源 -- 南药“血竭”.
- Advances in study on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities in plants of Dracaena Vand. Ex L. 龙血树属植物化学成分及药理活性研究进展。
- Direct Regeneration of Inflorescence from Callus in Dracaena fragrans cv. Massangeana Hort. 花叶千年木愈伤组织直接再生花序。
- Experimental study on the technique in extracting the total RNA from Dracaena Vand, ex L. 龙血树总RNA提取方法的研究。
- Sanguis draxonis, one of Chinese traditional medicine,is the resin of Daemonorops and Dracaena. 主要含有黄酮类、皂苷类、芪类、酚类、有机酸、酯类、多糖和挥发油等多种成分。
- Conclusion The method provides a reliable approach to prepare the serum containing Dracaena. 结论本法可作为龙血竭含药血清的制备方法。
- Any of several tropical plants of the genera Dracaena and Cordyline, some species of which are cultivated as house plants for their decorative foliage. 龙血树指无血树与龙血树属等若干热带植物中的任何一种,此属中某些种类具有装饰性树叶而被培植为室内植物
- Liquor features: Drinking the dragon dracaena liquor regularly, hyperglycemia,hyperlipoidemia and hypertension will be adjusted properly. 龙血露酒特点醇琼露液、颜赤甘润,长饮龙血露酒能适当调理高血糖、高血脂、高血压。
- Research advances in components and pharmacological activities of flavonoids and steroids in plants of Dracaena Vand. ex L. were reviewed. 对龙血树属植物黄酮类和甾体类化合物的成分和药理活性的研究进展进行了综述。
- Zhangzhou Wisdom Company is specialized in bonsai plants exportation trade.The plants include Cycas revoluta, Ficus Microcarpa, Dracaena Sanderiana... 漳州威斯顿工贸有限公司业经营盆景植物出口贸易,主要有苏铁,榕树,富贵竹,虎尾兰,各式盆栽植物和苏铁种子。
- Results The average recovery of Dracaena major components reached 80% after precipitated by acetonitrile first and then extracted by ethyl acetate. 结果通过乙腈沉淀蛋白,采用乙酸乙酯进行提取,可使含药血清中龙血竭特征成分的提取率达到80%25以上。
- The research progress on the Dracaena cochinchinensis in recent years,including Chemical Constituents and bioactivities is reviewed. 综述了近年来广西龙血树血竭化学成分及药理学研究进展。
- Results The average recovery of Dracaena s major components reached 80% after precipitated by acetonitrile first and then extracted by ethyl acetate. 结果通过乙腈沉淀蛋白,采用乙酸乙酯进行提取,可使含药血清中龙血竭特征成分的提取率达到80%25以上。
- The extract from Aspidistra elationr and Chlorophytum comosum cv.Variegatum showed the remarkable restraint to Trichoderma virens, while the ones from Dracaena Sanderiana. 在植物叶片内含物抑菌作用测定中,蜘蛛抱蛋和银边吊兰对木霉的抑菌率达60%25以上,其余7种植物对木霉的生长无明显抑制作用;
- We are an excellent manufacturer specialized in wooden toys &wooden stand.We also supply horticultural products, like: orchids, phalaenopsis, pachira, dracaena snderiana, green plants. 我们是一家优秀的木制玩具及木台之制造商,同时,我们也供应兰花、蝴蝶兰、马拉巴栗、万年竹及观叶植物。
- The anthracnose of Dracaena arborea caused by Glomerella cingulata and the leaf lesion caused by Leptosphaeria obtusispora were prevalent and severe in the plantation of the two plants. 其中,围小丛壳引起的也门铁树炭疽病和钝孢小球腔菌引起的象脚丝兰叶斑病发生普遍而严重。