- There were dozens of people there. 那里有许多人。
- There are rumors in the air that dozens of people died in the fire. 有谣传许多人在那场大火中死亡。
- To my astonishment, over a dozen of people had sent donations. 更让我惊愕不已的是,很快就有十几个人开始捐款资助。
- There were dozens of people at the lecture last night. 昨晚有几十个人来听演讲。
- Authorities in Kabul also say dozens of people were wounded. 喀布尔当局也说十多人在爆炸中受伤。
- The heavy downpours resulted in flash floods , trapping dozens of people. 倾盆大雨造成的洪灾使数十人被困。
- Since 1998, TSF has helped thousands of people in dozens of countries. 自从1998年以来,“无国界通讯传播”已帮助了拾来个国家几千受益人。
- Dozens of people fell over the edge of a mountain path when a railing gave way. 几十人在路边扶手坏掉时从山路边沿摔落。
- The earthquake last year resulted in the death of a dozen of people. 去年的地震导致了十几人死亡。
- The next day at the mall, dozens upon dozens of people stopped by Art's booth to ask questions about origami. 第二天在购物中心,许多人在阿特的展台前驻足,询问关于手工折纸的事情。
- I'm one of dozens of people working in the stores at one of ICI's factories,and just a cog in a very big machine. 我是帝国化学公司众多工厂中几十个仓库工作人员之一,因而仅仅是庞大机器中的一个螺丝钉。
- The next day at the mall,dozens upon dozens of people stopped by Art's booth to ask questions about origami. 第二天在购物中心,许多人在阿特的展台前驻足,询问关于手工折纸的事情。
- Dozens of people who knew him were interviewed, all under the guise of a routine positive vet. 我们走访了数十个认识他的人,装作是进行例证性晋升审查。
- She's got dozens of boy-friends. 她的男朋友多极了。
- Workmen digging a new water pipe in the centre of Shiah holy city of Karbala discovered the remains of dozens of people. 工人们在什叶派圣城卡巴拉是中心挖掘新的输水管道时发现了很多人的尸骨。
- She buy a dozen of egg in the market. 她在市场上买了一打鸡蛋。
- Travelling around like this, dozens of people looking for a route, is getting us nowhere. It takes too long. 要像这样行进,几十个人都在找路,非迷失方向不可,再说也太费时间了。
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- We have dozens of things to do now. 我们现在有很多事要做。
- There were dozens of casualties in the train crash. 在那次火车撞车事故中有数十人伤亡。