- doubly reinforced beam of rectangle section 双筋矩形截面梁
- doubly reinforced beam 配复筋的梁
- Theoretical analysis of the influence of quantity of reinforcement in compressed area on the bending strength of doubly reinforced beam of rectangle section 受压区配筋量对矩形截面梁抗弯强度的影响
- A method of topology optimization of grillage structure with stress constraints is presented and applied to analyze the reinforced beam of raft foundation. 对筏型基础的加强梁分布进行拓扑优化分析,提出一种应力约束下的格栅结构的拓扑优化方法。
- This paper take the junction panel of the front reinforced beam in the back automobile floor for the example, introduces the drawing die design process, which proves this method simplified the design process ,enhanced the rated capacity. 本文以汽车后地板前加强梁左/右连接板为例介绍了汽车覆盖件拉延模具设计,经过实践应用,证明该方法简化了设计过程,提高了设计效率。
- Ahmad, S.H. and Batts, J.(1991), “Flexural behavior of doubly reinforced hight-strength lightweight concrete beams with web reinforcement”, ACI Structural Journal , No. 88, May-June. 方一匡、洪木通、彭盛昌(1990),“高强度混凝土梁在低剪力钢筋量下之行为研究”,中国土木水利工程学刊,第二卷,第四期,第347-356页。
- The inclusion of reinforced beams in a reinforced concrete floor adds to its strength and loading capacity. This system is very often used in factory and warehouse floors. 含有加劲梁的钢筋混凝土楼面可以提高楼面强度及其承载力。这种体系常用来建造厂房和仓库的楼面。
- doubly reinforced concrete beam 双筋梁
- The concrete walls are reinforced with steel rods. 混凝土墙是用钢筋加固的。
- In this paper, static load experiments are illustrated and the reliability of CFRP reinforcement technology, used for reinforcing beam slab structure of large span bridge, is discussed. 文章结合对大跨度桥梁的梁板结构加固处理前后的静载试验,探讨了大跨度梁板结构应用粘贴碳纤维加固处理技术的可靠性。
- She performed on the balance beam with much grace. 她在平衡木上表演得非常优美。
- In this paper,static load experiments are illustrated and the reliability of CFRP reinforcement technology,used for reinforcing beam slab structure of large span bridge,is discussed. 文章结合对大跨度桥梁的梁板结构加固处理前后的静载试验,探讨了大跨度梁板结构应用粘贴碳纤维加固技术处理的可靠性。
- The beam of the searchlight pierced the darkness. 探照灯的光柱射入黑暗中。
- His answer was right on the beam. 他的答案完全正确。
- Our defences must be reinforced against attack. 我们必须加强防御设施以抵御进攻。
- I am doubly indebted to you-- for the party and for your generous gift! 你为我操办欢送会并赠送厚礼,这样的深情厚谊我铭记在心。
- Deformation and Failure of A Reinforced Beam under Low Velocity Impact 钢筋混凝土梁在低速冲击下的变形与破坏研究
- You've got to be doubly careful when you're driving in fog. 雾天开车你得加倍小心。
- He struck the beam with his head. 他的头撞到梁上了。
- The beam has a thickness of 3 inches. 这根梁厚3英寸。