- double - set same group 双机同组
- Betty and I were in the same group. 我和贝蒂在同一组。
- Press the [same mantissa] button can be set out in the same group which appeared the same number of mantissa. 按下[尾数相同]钮可以列出曾经在同组里面尾数相同的出现次数。
- Tip - Use the Group entity to group items within a selection set as a temporary way of quickly reselecting the same group of items. 秘诀-利用该 集团实体组项目的选择确定作为一个临时的方式迅速地重新同组的项目。See the Group entity for additional information.;见组实体以获得更多信息。
- The Applicants comprise thirty-nine companies in the same group. 申请人是同属一集团的三十九间公司。
- The same group would visit the intended site of another. 这批人还要参观另一处选定的厂址。
- At the same group in the other match, Rome home 1 to 2 lost Cluj. 在同组的另一场比赛中,罗马主场1比2不敌克鲁日。
- Birds of a feather flock together,people of a mind fall into the same group. 物以类聚,人以群分。
- Birds of a feather flock together, people of a mind fall into the same group. 物以类聚,人以群分。
- Judges are certified to judge one or several breeds, usually in the same Group. 裁判会获准裁决某一品种或数个品种(通常在同一组别)的形态比赛。
- In my final year, the same group decided to have a little flutter with me. 在我参加决赛那年,同一伙人决定和我打赌。
- And then everyone in the same group put your pictures together and form into a big beautiful picture. 剪完后,各小组把你们的作品拼成一幅美丽的画。看看哪一组的最漂亮。
- Second night, the same group was there. I felt a little more easy because I got some things off my chest. 第二天晚上,还是那群人。我已经觉得好过一些了,因为我已经把憋在肚子里的话说出来了。
- This indicates that the values of lVm for all kinds of liquids have same group additivity. 这说明各种液体的lVm具有相同的基团加和性。
- In the same group,the effect of promethazine(5,15 mg/kg)was more obvious,compared with 45 mg/kg(P<0.05). 组内比较;异丙嗪浓度为5;15 mg/kg时比浓度为45 mg/kg时抑制MPT值减小的作用更为显著(P<0.;05)。
- The method provides a good solution for multicomputer communication in the same group. 该方法为同一组内的多机通信提供了一种较好的解决方案。
- He's paid double for the same job. 他做同样的工作,而报酬比别人多一倍。
- Gore dealt double defeat in Florida courts; Trial set for Saturday. 佛州法院再次驳回戈尔上诉; 听审周六举行。
- In the same Group Holland cemented their top of the table position with a 1-0 win in Andorra. 同组的荷兰1:0战胜亚美尼亚巩固了小组第一的位置。
- Identify objects or words belongs to the same grouping and those that are not. 把字或物件分组。