- The quote character is either an apostrophe (single quote) or a quotation mark (double quote). 引号字符是撇号(单引号)或引号(双引号)。
- Conversely, the double quote can be used if the value begins with a single quote. 相反地,如果该值以单引号开始,则可以使用双引号。
- When you do this, the tilde, apostrophe, and the double quote don't type right away. 当你做这时,波浪字符,撇号,和双引号不马上打字。
- Do not forget double quotes in the last line. 别忘了最后一行的双引号。
- Make sure you type the double quotes. 确保键入了双引号。
- Optional. Specifies how to encode single and double quotes. 可选参数。定义如何对单引号和双引号进行编码。
- The description argument must be enclosed in double quotes. description参数必须用双引号引起来。
- Replace the double quotes with the corresponding named entity, ". 用相应的命名实体"替换双引号。
- Double quotes in Perl serve to interpret everything between them. Perl中的双引号用于解释双引号之间的任何内容。
- Jython string can use either single or double quotes. Jython字符串可以使用单引号,也可以使用双引号。
- You also use double quotes if you wish to use keywords in aliases. 如果要在别名中使用关键字,您也可以使用双引号。
- The name argument must be enclosed in double quotes. name参数必须用双引号引起。
- These are double and triple apostrophes, not double quotes. 注意:仅有双重或三重单引号,但是并没有双重双引号。
- If the file name contains spaces, it must be provided in double quotes. 如果文件名包含空格,则其必须写在双引号内。
- The type of quote makes no difference to NASM, except of course that surrounding the constant with single quotes allows double quotes to appear within it and vice versa. 对NASM而言,引号类型没有区别,当然单引号内允许双引号作字符常量,反之亦然。
- String values may be enclosed in single or double quotes; these quotes will not be included in the value. 字符串值必须用单引号或双引号引起来,值不包括这些引号。
- To force the use of mixed or upper case identifiers, you must escape the identifier using double quotes ("). 要强制其使用混合或大写字母的标识符,必须将标识符用双引号(")转义。
- To use a reserved word in a SQL statement as an identifier, you must enclose it in double quotes. 要在SQL语句中使用保留字作为标识符,必须用双引号将它引起来。
- Single quotes are better, because then you can use double quotes inside the one-liner. 单引号更好,因为使用单引号后您可以在一行程序内使用双引号。
- With this setting, you can also use double quotes to mark the beginning and end of strings. 在这种设置下,仍可以用双引号来标记字符串的开始和结束。