- door of vital energy 气门
- Be like sluggish of lobar obstruction of the circulation of vital energy, announce falls wrong, AsthmaticEtc. 若肺气郁滞,宣降失常,则见经行咳嗽,经行哮喘等。
- The footpad and the massage stick may make the full bottom massage, regulates the flow of vital energy with the blood. 脚垫及按摩棒可作足底按摩,理气和血。
- Retention of the placenta is caused by deficiency of vital energy after giving birth to a baby. 胎衣不下的现象是由产妇气虚造成的。
- In relief deficiency of vital energy, you are too tired. Take the beneficial in filling to enrage bolus. 早晨起床乏力,汗多,中气不足的症状,是什么回事?
- The sacral plexus, called Root-Centre (MULADHARA-CAKRA) or Secret Place, being the root of all streams of vital energy (NADIS) in the region of the rump-bone or sacrum. 荐骨(血管,淋巴,神经等)丛,称为根部的中心(根轮)或者秘密的地方,是所有生命能量流(气脉)之根,在骶骨或者荐骨附近。
- Many people live with a tormentor in their head that continuously attacks and punishes them and drains them of vital energy. 许多人和一个他们头脑中在不断攻击、惩罚、汲取他们活力的折磨者一起生活。
- We Chinese believe that taiji is the origin of all lives on Earth.Taji comprises yin and yang, two types of vital energy. 中国人认为,太极是天地万物之根源。
- This just suits at lienal empty listless, limb is lack of power, inappetence, medium deficiency of vital energy is weak wait for disease. 此方适应于脾虚倦怠、四肢乏力、食欲不振、中气虚弱等症。
- The hinged rear door of a hatchback. 仓门式后背有铰链的后门
- Gingerly he opened the door of the rat's cage. 他小心翼翼地打开鼠笼的门。
- This matter is of vital importance to us. 这件事对我们来说至关重要。
- The syndrome of deficiency of vital energy, blood stasis were common diagnosis, and asthenic yin causing predominant yang, wind, phlegm syndrome in sequel stage. 后遗症期以气应血瘀为主要证候,阴成阳亢、风证、痰证次之。
- We slipped out of the postern door of the castle. 我们从城堡的後门溜出。
- On clinical are many by sparse liver Xie Yu,the principle spleen raises the blood,regulates the flow of vital energy the phlegm reduction,center the western medicine co... 临床上多以疏肝解郁、理脾养血、理气化痰,中西药合用并配合针刺、中药外洗及其它疗法加以治疗,以达到标本兼治,显示了中西医药结合治疗本病的优势。
- Conclusion: Oriental waterplantain rhizome granula could treat coronary artery disease angina cordis (stagnation of vital energy and phlegm stasis type) effectively. 结论:泽泻颗粒治疗冠心病心绞痛(气滞痰瘀型)临床疗效显著。
- Pervious studies have proved that it is over 70% of Zheng of QiXuXueYu (Syndrome of Blood Stasis with Deficiency of Vital Energy) among reconvalescents of myocardial infarction. 据文献考证,气虚血瘀证占心肌梗死恢复期患者的70%25以上,因此针对气虚血瘀证的系统研究尤为重要。
- It's difficult to get a foot in the door of publishing. 加入出版界是很难的。
- If dysmenorrhoea when abdomen is in order to bilge painful give priority to, so belong to silt of blood of stagnation of the circulation of vital energy. 如果痛经的时候腹部是以胀痛为主,那么就属气滞血淤。
- He got parking ticket because he parked his car at the door of a store. 他将汽车停放在商店门口,接到了违反停车规则通知。