- The officer expected his men to do their duty. 军官期望他的部下尽职。
- It behooves public officials to do their duty. 尽职是公务员的义务。
- People who do their duty are always finally rewarded. 凡是尽责任的人最后总是有好报的。
- The worst redskins sometimes do their duty in this matter. 连一些坏透顶的红皮肤人有时也是守信用的。
- I expect them to do their duty. 我期望他们尽责工作。
- Mr. Lee rebuked sons and daughters who were not doing their duty. 李先生训诫那些未尽孝道的儿女们。
- I expect them to do their duties. 我期望他们尽责工作。
- Only when they truly fulfil it can we say that they have done their duty in helping to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat and to build socialism. 只有很好地完成这个基本任务,才是为巩固无产阶级专政、建设社会主义真正尽了自己的责任。
- To charge someone with not doing their duty or lying. 指控某人玩忽职守或说谎等,可以说。
- The place was beginning to fill up with bathers coming to enjoy a cocktail or two after having done their duty by the sun and the sea. 这时,泳客们完成了太阳与海水交给他们的任务,便进来喝一两杯鸡尾酒,屋里的人开始越来越多。
- Can Taiwan's elementary and middle schools do their duty in developing the potential of artistically talented students? 四、台湾的中小学艺术资优教育能善尽美术资优人才的培育任务吗?
- The brave soldiers did their duty, careless of dangers and discomforts. 勇敢的士兵尽忠职守,对危险和困苦毫不在乎。
- Honestly, Sagittarius girls do not very care about the tiny things at home, but they do their duty very well.If you are not bossy to them, they are your smart and great wife. 至于家中琐碎的事,凭良心说,她并不十分热衷,但是她会懂得善尽自己的本份,通常她都能做个手脚俐落的太太,只要你不要摆出一副理所当然的大男人姿态。
- People in each kind of work on the assembly line should do their duties. 流水线上的每个工种都要各负其责。
- There are some who complain most energetically and inconsolably of any, because they are, as they say, doing their duty. 有些人对任何事情,都叫苦连天,不可救药地诉不完的苦,因为据他们说,他们是尽了他们的职责的。
- For example, when the politicians are here and doing their duty, we're moaning all the time about how they interfere and how we'd wish they'd go away. 比如说,当政客们在尽他们的职责时,我们总是抱怨他们如何妨碍我们的生活以及我们如何希望他们离我们远点。
- They have done their work very ably. 他们胜任出色地做完了工作。
- However, he did take off his army jacket and rip out the collar;the last two brass buttons still doing their duty were torn off and tossed into the darkness where they fell without a tinkle. 可是,他把军衣脱下来:一把,将领子扯掉;那对还肯负责任的铜钮也被揪下来,掷在黑暗中,连个响声也没发。
- Secondly Brandt has carried on brief analysis to social moral criterion and motive questions of the moral obligations, and has showed that the obedience of moral criterion will become important guarantee that people do their duties. 其次,布兰特对道德义务中社会道德准则与动机问题进行了简析,并认为遵守道德准则将成为人们尽义务的重要保障;
- Therefore ,we must perfect the laws and regulations as well as strengthening Party institution construction and also set up independent anticorruption organization who can carefully do their duties. 要健全各项法律法规,加强党的制度建设,并建立认真履行职责、独立的反腐组织。