- Gives a chance to do deal 1.5 Times damage on an attack. 有一定的几率造成1.;5倍伤害的致命一击。
- Alright, done deal! Thank you very much sir, you're a gentleman and a scholar. 好的,成交,非常感谢你,先生!你是一位有学识的绅士。
- The managing director denied that the merger was a done deal, and said they were still in negotiations. 总经理否认合并已经敲定, 声称此事仍在商讨中。
- However, the facts clearly see what a done deal, Gaillard that UEFA will not change the penalty decision. 可是,木已成舟的事实已摆在眼前,盖拉德认为欧足联不会更改处罚决定。
- Now, we are confronted with what looks like a done deal that IJN is bought over by a GLC company. 我曾经说过,几乎所有企业,一旦被私营化后将和原来的经营方针背道而驰。
- An inning later, Jose Valentin laced a clean double down the line, but really the game was a done deal by then. 在一局过后,JoseValentin又打出一支二垒安打,但说真的,其实球赛差不多己经知道结果了。
- No Celtics official will comment on the possibility they're the team New York's exiled Stephon Marbury talks about joining, as if it's a done deal. 关于纽约尼克斯马布里说的好像已经敲定了的加盟,没有任何一个凯尔特人官员对此作出评论。
- The police wouldn't pay ransom or do deals for the hostages. 警方不愿付赎金或交易人质.
- The much-touted tripling of the IMF's resources from $250 billion to $750 billion is, for now, more an aspiration than a done deal. 对IMF的增资将从2500亿美元提高到7500亿美元,这一行为受到人们大肆吹捧。但直到现在看来,这还仅仅是一种美好愿望,而并非既定事实。
- As a side note, if the Lakers do deal Odom, they should ship off Kwame Brown too, because... 顺便说一声,如果湖人果真把奥多姆交易了,他们应该顺便把布朗也处理了,因为:
- On the transfer market, Galliani added: 'Now I am going back with Giraudo [Juventus] but we won't talk about Vieri to Juve as it's not a done deal. 关于转会市场,加里亚尼说:“现在我会和(尤文图斯)的吉拉乌多一起回去,但是我们不会谈论维耶里去尤文图斯的问题,因为这还不是定论。
- That news would come as a major blow to Villarreal whose president Fernando Roig claimed on Wednesday that the signing of Pires was tantamount to a done deal. 简朴翻译下:俱乐部可能只给他1年的合同,所以他是在拖时间争取2年的合同。
- To be sure, the merger, which would be the internet industry's biggest since the ill-fated union of AOL and Time Warner in 2000, is far from a done deal. 毫无疑问这起并购案将是自2000年美国在线服务公司与时代华纳合并之后互联网行业最大的一起。
- The good they have done for me is beyond measure. 他们对我所做的好事简直无可估量。
- "It wasn't that I thought I'd do deals," says Lampert, who was 27 when he set out on his own, taking ESL with him. 兰伯特说:“这倒不是因为我认为自己会做收购交易。”他带着ESL另立门户时才27岁。
- There are pressures on companies to do deals in almost every sector, from pharmaceuticals to oil. 几乎所有行业中的公司都面临进行并购交易的压力,从医药行业到石油行业。
- Hamas refuses to recognize Israel and Israel will have nothing to do with Hamas, but Israel does deal with Fatah security forces under Mr. Abbas' control. 哈马斯拒绝承认以色列,以色列也拒绝同哈马斯打交道,不过,以色列同阿巴斯所控制的法塔赫部队进行接触。
- The lazy boy has not done a stroke of work all day. 这懒小子一整天一点事都没干。
- They have done their work very ably. 他们胜任出色地做完了工作。
- This dilettantism was once summed up damningly by Michael Porter, of Harvard Business School: “These companies don't have strategies, they do deals. 这种涉猎众多行业的商业模式曾经被哈佛商学院的MichaelPorter认定为是完全错误的:“这些公司没有策略,他们只是做生意。”