- Domestic asset formation; domestic capital formation Gross fixed capital formation plus increase in stocks. 国内资产形成;国内资本形成指固定资本形成总值加库存的增加量。
- This explains why gross domestic capital formation on the Mainland has been growing so rapidly. 这正好解释了为何内地资本形成的速度会这样快。
- Walid, H. and P.Pauly (2002), Foreign direct investment and domestic capital formation, Working Paper No. 36, University of Toronto. 叶日崧与郭丽华(2006),投资大陆对台湾经济的影响与展望,中华管理评论国际学报,2(9),1。
- domestic asset formation; domestic capital formation: Gross fixed capital formation plus increase in stocks. 国内资产形成;国内资本形成:指固定资本形成总值加库存的增加量。
- domestic capital formation 本国(国内)资本形成
- Is capital formation the key to economic development? 资本形成是经济发展的关键吗?
- It is true that capital formation is a tender plant. 确实,资本形成犹如一棵娇嫩的植物。
- That means delinking the domestic capital market from the external capital market. 这表示断绝国内资金市场与对外资金市场的连系。
- Around Asia, currencies and stockmarkets were buckling as foreign and domestic capital fled. 在亚洲周边地区,随着国内外资本逃离,亚洲的汇率和证券市场濒于崩溃。
- The other is domestic capital in essence but disguised as foreign investment by transferring in tax havens. 而另一部分却是实质上的内资(企业)通过各种方式在避税港中转后,再以外资身份投资内地的。
- At present, Hong Kong is the most important capital formation centre for Mainland enterprises. 目前,香港是内地企业最重要的集资中心。
- International capital is typically much more volatile than domestic capital and its mobility is often the trigger for financial instability. 国际资金一般都远较本地资金波动,其四处流窜的特性往往成为触发金融不稳定的原因。
- At present,Hong Kong is the most important capital formation centre for Mainland enterprises. 目前,香港是内地企业最重要的集资中心。
- Many new large RMB denominated private equity funds have been established by domestic sponsors, drawing on plentiful domestic capital sources. 国内发起人通过吸引大量国内资金已设立了众多新的大型人民货私募股权基金。
- Also as a result of the further development of domestic capital market oversupply, a considerable number of enterprises underemployment. 又由于国内生产资料市场供大于求进一步发展,相当多的企业开工不足。
- The gross value of investment in construction activities accounted for 43% of total fixed capital formation in 2003. 2003年建造工程投资总值占固定资本形成总额43%25。
- Many new large RMB denominated private equity funds have been established by domestic sponsors, drawing on domestic capital sources. 国内发起人通过吸收国内资金设立了众多新的大型人民币私募股权基金。
- Capital formation can lead to more output, providing a surplus for further increases in output. 资本形成导致更多的产出,这为进一步增产提供了盈余。
- A bond issued on the domestic capital market by a foreign borrower and denominated in the domestic currency. These bonds have ... 指外国借款人在其他国家的资本市场以当地货币发行的债券。视发行货币而定,这类债券各有不同名称,例如猛...
- Another issue where intertemporal tradeoffs are of central importance concerns the desirable rate of capital formation. 跨期权衡领域的另一个重要问题关注的是资本构成的合意尺度。