- dolorosa tabes [医] 疼痛性脊髓痨
- Down the Via Dolorosa all the way to Calvary. 沿着维亚多乐罗莎大道,一路走到髑髅地。
- Is there any chance of a tabe by the window? 能否订一张靠窗户的桌子呢?
- Of Jerusalem Down the Via Dolorosa called the "Way of Suffering. 沿着维亚多乐罗莎大道,这条被称为“受苦之路”。
- Mother said lunch was ready and there was a mad dash for the tabe. 妈妈说到午饭做好了,一窝蜂地。
- My pig-nose turtle is tabes but he is still eating and swimming as normal. He is now floating on the water for resting. Any problem or advice? 不知何故我养了8年的飞河龟日渐消瘦了.;由原先沉在水下休息变成浮在水面
- Mainly used in making tyres, rubber shoes, tabes, cables and other rubber products. 主要用于制造轮胎、胶鞋、胶管、电缆等工业橡胶制品。
- SEP shows the damage of the central nerves system over the lumbar spinal of the tabes dorsalis cases. 脊髓痨患者体感诱发电位提示腰段脊髓以上中枢神经受损。
- Tabes dorsalis is a slow degeneration of the nerve cells and nerve fibers that carry sensory information to the brain. 什麽是'脊髓痨-逐步退化的神经组织在脊髓由于梅毒'?
- The common complications include numbness, absence of corneal reflex, and master weakness.Keratitis, dysesthesia and dolorosa greatly affect patients' quality of life. 射频治疗也有一些并发症,常见有面部麻木、感觉迟钝、咀嚼肌力减退、角膜反射迟钝等。
- Irrigation through T tabe, ERCP and operation are the common treatments for the patients. 管冲洗、ERCP术及外科手术是常用的治疗手段。
- The sustained object of Wangtong is being one of the best company in the tabe profession by collecting all of genius and devoloping nationalindustry. “凝聚天下英才,振兴民族工业”,成为管道行业中最佳企业之一,是网通人始终既定的目标。
- Judgement in which tabe of workload in[1]is used.It is important to activize workers to great effort,to improve the service quality and to manage the reference roon scientifioly. 它有利于充分调动资料室工作人员的积极性,提高服务质量,实现科学管理。
- adipoma dolorosa(Dercum disease) 痛性脂肪瘤(德尔肯病)
- juxtaarticular adiposis dolorosa [医] 近关节痛性肥胖症
- Femtosecand Two-Photon Response Dynamics of Photomultiplier Tabes 光电倍增管飞秒双光子过程动力学
- Clinical and neuroimaging analysis of tabes dorsalis 麻痹性痴呆临床特点及影像学特征
- Keywords Neurosyphilis Cerebrovascular syphilis Tabes dorsalis; 神经梅毒;脑血管梅毒;脊髓痨;
- Inspection of the centering of the stern tabe before fine boring 精镗前艉轴管中心校准
- Keywords SpiraI Trough Tabes Intensified Heat Transfer Neutralized Juice; 螺旋槽管;强化传热;中和汁;