- dollar attack nations 受美元打击的国家
- She gave the boys a dollar apiece. 她给孩子们每人一美元。
- I have a half dollar but no small coins. 我有一枚五角硬币但没有更小的硬币。
- These socks retail at 1 dollar a pair. 这些袜子零卖一美圆一双。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章对她过去的行为进行了恶毒的攻击。
- The pound rise in step with the dollar. 英镑与美元同步上升。
- The shop have a turnover of500,000 dollar a week. 该店营业额为每周五十万元。
- That pact didn't advance peace among nations. 这一公约并没有促进国际和平。
- One squadron peeled off to attack enemy bombers. 一中队战机脱离编队攻击敌轰炸机群。
- For one week the price will be500 dollar. 住一星期租金是500美元。
- She had an attack of indigestion yesterday. 她昨天消化不良。
- Er, let me see, it's three dollar all together. 呃,主我想想看,那是总共3美元。
- The commander chalked out his plan of attack. 司令官对进攻计划作了粗略的介绍。
- Give me200 dollar worth of french francs. 请给我200美元的法国法郎。
- The total cost will be 126 dollar. 总的费用要126美元。
- The attack on Pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity. 偷袭珍珠港(对美军来说)是一场毁灭性的灾难。
- There is implacable hatred between the two nations. 两国之间有无法消除的仇恨。
- The attack would bog down sooner or later. 进攻迟早会陷入停滞状态。
- The 1960s saw the emergence of many new nations. 二十世纪六十年代出现了许多新兴国家。
- The dollar closed two cents down. 收市时一美元下降了两美分。