- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- Doing work means moving an object from place to place. 做功意味着把物体从一个地方移动到另一个地方。
- Every moving object has the capacity to do work. 每一个运动的物体都具有做功的本领。
- Power is the rate of doing work. 功率是做功的速率。
- The capacity of a physical system to do work. 能量,能物理系统做功的容量能力
- Lose casteby doing work beneath one's station. 由于做低于自己身份的工作而丧失社会地位。
- Doing work: by hand or using machines? 手工劳动还是机械作业?
- I have a mania for doing work which is ADM/HR. 我特别喜欢做行政人事的工作.
- As we know,energy is the ability to do work. 如我们所知,能是作功的能力。
- For a machine to do work ,we must do work on it . 为使机器作功,我们必须对它作功。
- Students do work experience in local firms. 学生们在本地公司实习。
- I tried to do work to the best of my ability. 我尽力做好我的工作。
- Willing to do work from basic and work hard. 愿意从基础工作做起,认真负责。
- The capacity to do work is called energy. 做功的本领叫做能。
- As we know, energy is the ability to do work. 如我们所知,能是作功的能力。
- For a machine to do work , we must do work on it . 为使机器作功,我们必须对它作功。
- Gases can do work while expanding . 气体在膨胀时做功。
- We do work when we lift the lid of a teakettle. 提起壶盖我们认为是我们做的工作。
- Energy is defined as the power to do work. 在物理学中能的定义是作功的能力.
- Tolls are simple machines.We use them to do work. 工具是简易机械。我们用它们来干活。