- The document requires substantial changes. 这个文件需要做一些重大的修改。
- Proven experience in working with clients to capture and document requirements and workflows throughout the SDLC. 根据产品和项目的调研报告进行需求分析,将用户需求转化为软件需求,并完成概要设计和详细设计。
- In later articles, we will show you how you can document requirements for a particular component, whether they have been formally gathered or not. 在后续的文章中,我们将向您演示如何记录对特定组件的需求,而不管是否已经正式地收集它们。
- Liaise with auditee management on audit scope, assignment period, document requirements and the support of key personnel during the audit. 在审计范围内与审核管理保持联络,支持关键人员在审计期间的任务分配和文件要求。
- For medical devices that are supplied sterile, or the environmental conditions are of significance, the manufacturer shall establish and document requirements for the environment to which the product is exposed. 医疗器材在供应时已完成灭菌者或环境条件在过程中具重大影响者,制造业者应以书面规定产品曝露环境的要求。
- He tendered the shipping documents required. 他递交了必要的装货单据。
- As a free port, the HKSAR maintains minimal import and export documentation requirements. 香港特区是自由港,就进出口只设定了低限度的文件要求。
- His landlord had a legal document requiring him to vacate the apartment immediately. 他的房东拿着一份要他马上腾出公寓的法律文件。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- The Intertek certificate of conformity is a mandatory document required by Customs. 海关要求货物必须要持有Intertek的合格证书。
- As a free port,the HKSAR maintains minimal import and export documentation requirements. 香港特区是自由港,就进出口只设定了低限度的文件要求。
- The reason is that the process of creating a document requires a lot of DOM calls, which slows things down. 原因是创建文档时需要有多次DOM调用,执行就会变慢。
- This document requires no interaction with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) [18]. 本文档与互联网分配数字授权(IANA)\\[18\\]无关。
- Other documents required by the examination and approval authority. 审批机构规定的其他文件。
- "Is the viscosity of the carbon ink checked after preparation to ensure that it mets documented requirements? 准备后是否检验碳墨的粘性以确保符合文件规定的要求?"
- This document requires no interaction with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) [ 14 ]. 本文件无需作出任何的互动与互联网的人数分派管理局( iana ) [ 14 ] 。
- Timex three documents required for the source code, spe... c语言编写的一个语音库源代码,包含dmalib;soundx,timex三个库文件所需的源代码,具体参见压缩包内的word文档说明-a voice for the source code contains dmalib; soundx.
- Categories of Check-in Notes can include the following: performance impact, documentation requirements, test instructions, and build instructions. 签入说明可以包括以下类别:性能影响、文档要求、测试说明和版本说明。
- However even if this is not TDD, but at least continuous integration, documented features are added one-by-one, so we are certain all documented requirements are implemented. 不过,即使这不是TDD,但至少是一种连续的累积过程,写在文档中的功能一个一个加进去,所以我们可以肯定所有写在文档中的需求都应该得到实现。
- This document requires, among other things, that all signatory nations punish pimps and brothel owners and abolish the registration of prostitutes. 这个文件其中要求所有签字国惩罚皮条客和妓院老板,并且废止妓女注册登记。