- document library object 文档库对象
- Cannot allocate the backward-compatible document library manager object {0}. 无法分配向后兼容文档库管理器对象{0}。
- Choose the document library you want to save to. 选择希望作为保存目的地的文档库。
- End-user deletes the Agenda document from a document library. 最终用户从文档库中删除了议程文档。
- Select the Requirements document library and then click Open. 选择“要求”文档库,然后单击“打开”。
- Create a new view page for a document library in the web. 为此网站中的文档库创建一个新的查看网页。
- Risk information is stored in a Windows SharePoint Services document library. 风险信息将存储在Windows SharePoint Services文档库中。
- The next section shows how to save a mail message to the document library. 下一部分将介绍如何将邮件保存到文档库。
- The default template for a document library is located in the Forms folder. 文档库的默认模板位于Forms文件夹中。
- These types can be exposed as simple fields within a list or document library. 这些类型可以作为简单的字段在列表或文档库内出现。
- The information required is specified in the document library settings. 所需的信息在文档库设置中进行指定。
- Click a document library in the list to upload the new document to that library, and then click Go. 单击列表中的文档库以将新文档上载到该文档库,然后单击“转到”。
- Submit form data to a document library on a server running Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. 将表单数据提交到运行Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services的服务器上的文档库。
- It includes a document library, an announcements list, a tasks list, a members list, and a links list. 它包括一个文档库、一个通知列表、一个任务列表、一个成员列表和一个链接列表。
- The All Items view of a list or document library displays the current status of workflows running on an item. 列表或文档库的“所有项目”视图会显示在项目上运行的工作流的当前状态。
- The new Document Library appears in the SharePoint Lists section of the Data Source Library. 新文档库显示在“数据源库”的“SharePoint列表”部分。
- In this case, the previous illustration shows that you can save folders in the document library called New team pages. 在这里,上图显示可以在名为“New team pages”的文档库中保存该文件夹。
- For example, there may be a Render service for the Document Library content type. 例如,Document Library内容类型就可能有一个Render服务。
- Per-list and per-document library permissions are managed from the list or document library itself. 每列表权限是从列表或文档库本身管理的。
- The Document Library feature of SharePoint Team Services provides a single location for storing all your team's work. SharePoint Team Services的“文档库”功能提供了一个位置专门用于存储工作组的所有工作。