- The plane nosed into the hangar. 飞机缓缓地进入机库。
- The cruise ship is strikebound in the dock. 巡洋舰因罢工而停泊在码头上。
- The judge looks over to the prisoner in the dock. 法官打量了被告席上的犯人。
- The damaged craft was hauled to the hangar. 损坏了的飞机被拖进了飞机库。
- The judge looked over to the prisoner in the dock. 法官打量了被告席上的犯人。
- The plane stopped in that big hangar. 飞机停在那个大机库里。
- dock hangar 修理棚
- The ship was in dock for major repairs. 船停在船坞里大修。
- The ship was nosing in to the dock. 船正靠向码头。
- A couple of coils of rope still lay on the dock. 两卷绳索仍躺在码头上。
- The liner is in dock for a refit. 班轮正在船坞修理。
- The ship's hull scraped along the side of the dock. 船行时船身擦着码头的边。
- Can you please give me a lift? I'm afraid my car's in dock. 请让我搭一下车好吗?我的汽车在修理。
- We'll lead with the dock strike. 我们把码头工人罢工当作头条新闻
- The airport hangar was freshly painted. 机场的飞机库是新油漆过的。
- Only a skeleton crew was needed while the ship was tied up in dock. 在船停泊在船坞期间只需要骨干船员。
- The airplane hangar is so large. 飞机库非常之大。
- The pilot sidled the ship up the dock. 领航员使船斜着靠向码头。
- Uh, we're in the main hangar across from the ship. 我们在主机棚,宇宙飞船!
- Stay on my wing!Head for the command ship's hangar. 呆在我的机翼上!前往指挥舰的修理库.