- She did well out of the sale of her house. 她出售房屋获得很大收益。
- I think he did well out of the change of the job. 我想他在工作调换中得到了好处。
- The munitioneer did well out of the war. 这个军火投机商在战争中大发其财。
- She did well out of(= made a big profit from)the deal. 她从这笔交易中赚了不少钱。
- He sold his house for twice what he paid for it,so he did well out of the deal. 他以买进价的两倍出售了他的房子,因此他在这一买卖中得益了。
- He sold his house for twice what he paid for it so he did well out of the deal. 他以买进价的两倍出售了他的房子,因此他在这一买卖中得益了。
- You'd do well to take a leaf out of John's book. 你还是向约翰学学为好。
- They have done well out of his rule both personally and institutionally from all that American largesse. 他们的所做作为既是从服从他个人的命令,也是出于军人的天职,这也是因为美国的对穆萨拉夫的宽容。
- Liechtenstein, for instance, does well out of being perched next to Switzerland and using the Swiss franc as its currency. 比如列支敦士登就得益于靠近瑞士并且使用瑞士法郎作为它的官方货币。
- Most developing countries cling to this division because they have done well out of it, but some middle-income countries are trying to get rid of it. 大多数发达国家坚持这种分法,因为他们已经很好的利用它,而一些发展中国家正在努力摆脱这种分法。
- The present is well out of hand. 现在我们却无法掌握。
- The shelf is so high it is well out of my reach. 架子太高,我根本够不着。
- The house is well out of the way on the back road. 房子很偏僻,在后面那条路上。
- The cat stayed well out of range of the children. 这只猫离孩子们远远的。
- You've come very well out of this affair. 你总算很幸运地从这件事中解脱出来。
- You are well out of this quarrel. 你摆脱了这场争吵很幸运。
- Soon after I left my job the company got into serious difficulties, and I decided I was well out of it. 在我离开后不久,这家公司就陷入困境。我庆幸自己与它已没有什么牵连。
- We'll never stop them arguing. I wish I were well out of it. 我们怎么也不能劝止他们的争吵,要是我能躲得开就好了。
- He always gets the best out of people. 他总能使人发挥最大的潜力。
- Let's make the best out of our lives. 让我们过最好的生活。