- I'll wager you do well for yourself in London. 我担保你在伦敦一定混得不错。
- Please forgive us if there is anything we've failed to do well for you. 照顾不周,请多包涵。
- Welcome to the Sun &Moon Company and l's do well for the beautiful tomorrow. 日月新,在太阳和月亮照耀的地方焕发勃勃生机。时刻欢迎各界朋友携手合作,共同创造美好的明天。
- We did well for coal that winter. 那年冬天我们弄到了足够的煤。
- She's done well for herself as a dancer. 作为一名舞蹈家,她获得了很大的成就。
- Sally did well for herself: she married an earl and now lives in the lap of luxury. 萨利为自己安排得很好,她嫁了个伯爵,因此现在生活得非常奢侈。
- Any questions tell me, please. I can do best for you. 有什么问题请告诉我,我会尽力帮助你的。
- "I am concentrating on doing well for Lazio," said Rocchi. “我在拉拉做的很好,”罗基说。
- The F430 Scuderia did well for the Italian supercar maker. 法拉利车队的表现良好,澳大利亚的意大利超级跑车制造商.
- Cara:You don't say. She has done well for herself. How did she meet him? 卡拉:是吗。爱菲真成功。她怎样认识商场老闆的儿子?
- "A good rivalry is always a good thing and I am sure he will do well for Tottenham. “无论从普通人的角度还是从一名教练的角度,我对桑帝尼的评价都是非常高的”。
- When I step on to the pitch, my focus is on the team.I want to do well for the club.For me, if I score two goals and we lose 4-2, I will be fuming. 当我控球时,我的注重力会在全队身上,我想为俱乐部做得最好,假如比赛我进了2球,而结果我们以2:4输了,我会非常气愤。”
- "I returned from my time in Austria determined to do well for Deportivo.I want to do as well as I can for the club and the coach," he added to Marca. 并且对马卡报补充说:“我从奥地利回来,就决定了我要在拉科发挥我的最佳状态,我想为俱乐部和教练做我应该做的事。
- The sunshine bodes well for our barbecue. 明媚的阳光对我们的烤肉野餐是个吉兆。
- If the husband be out of the way, it will do well for the wife to show her fondness and impatience of his absence by choosing a lover as like him as she can. 35丈夫不在家时,妻子最好尽可能选一个象自己丈夫的情人来显示对丈夫的痴爱和等待时的急噪情绪。
- I'm happy because the Dubai training camp was good for us, we recovered Ronaldo, Pato arrived and you could see Milan are ready to do well for the rest of the season. 我很高兴迪拜的训练营为我们带来了很对好处,我们迎回了罗纳尔多,帕托到达,现在你们可以看到,米兰已经为良好的完成赛季剩余的比赛作好了准备。”
- The bad trading figures do not bode well for the company's future. 这些交易数额欠佳,预示公司前景不妙。
- Despite being the club's player of the year for 2006/7, Essien is clearly not an individualist, and in his own words his aims for this season are 'to do well for the team. 虽然获得俱乐部06/07赛季最佳球员的殊荣,埃辛显然不是一名个人主义的选手,用他自己的话来说,他本赛季的目标是“为球队做出贡献。
- You must do whatever is best for you. 什么对你最有利你就得做什么。
- The crops will not grow well for lack of rain. 缺少雨水庄稼不会长得好。