- It would do violence to his principles to eat meat. 吃肉与他的原则相违。
- The newspaper reporter did violence to the truth. 这个新闻记者歪曲了事实真相。
- It will do violence to his principle to eat meat. 吃肉与他的原则相违。
- That piece of news have do violence to the truth. 那则新闻歪曲了事实。
- That piece of news had done violence to the truth. 那则新闻歪曲了事实。
- The skyscrapers do violence to the beauty of the old city. 这些摩天大厦损害了这座古城的美。
- do violence to sb's feelings 伤害某人的感情
- do violence to sb. 向 ...行凶
- The scoundrel did violence to an old man. 这个歹徒对一位老人行凶。
- The jailer did violence to prisoners. 那个监狱看守凶暴地虐待犯人。
- That piece of news has done violence to the truth. 那则新闻歪曲了事实。
- These modern boxlike buildings do violence to the beauty of the old city. 这些现代的盒式建筑破坏了古城的美丽市容。
- To threaten someone that you will make public fact about him or to do violence to him unless he pay you money. 敲诈;恐吓某人,你将公开关于他的事实或以暴力威胁某人,除非此人向你付钱。
- Most do violence to their natural aptitude and thus attain superiority in nothing. 大多数人则自暴自弃,结果一事无成。
- Her prophets are arrogant; they are treacherous men. Her priests profane the sanctuary and do violence to the law. 她的先知是虚浮诡诈的人。她的祭司亵渎圣所,强解律法。
- It is to do violence to something which, from the most idealistic standpoint, is in itself desirable. 从理想主义的观点看,它亵渎了本身值得向往的事物。
- Most do violence to their natural aptitude and bhus attain superiority in nothing Time disillusions us too late of what first flatered the passions. 大多数人都扼杀了他们的天资,因而在任何方面都无法达到卓越的地步。等到从最先迎合自己热情的事物所造成的幻梦中醒悟过来,己为时太晚了。
- I wish to repeat what I wrote in my Message for January1:" It is a profanation of religion to declare oneself a terrorist in the name of God, to do violence to others in his name. 我愿重覆我为元旦所写的文告的话:以神之名宣称自己是恐怖暴力份子,又以神之名向其他人施以暴力,那是亵渎的行动。
- Offer up praise and adoration to sb. 颂扬并崇拜某人。
- Go cap in hand to sb,asking for money. 卑躬屈膝地去找某人要钱。