- For most people it is still the do thing to get marry. 对於大多数人来说,结婚仍然是天经地义的事。
- Use your head and do things to your liking. 运用你的大脑去做好你喜欢的事情。
- That song just does things to me. 一听到那首歌我就激动不已。
- We mustn't do things to benefit ourselves at the expense of others. 我们不能做损人利己的事。
- Susan was on the wing doing things to get ready for her trip. 苏珊忙碌着为旅行做准备。
- We must not do things to benefit ourselves at the expense of others. 我们不能做损人利己的事。
- We want our customers to come back and we will do things to tell them so. 用我们的行动告诉客人:我们期望他们再来.
- They forced me to do things against my will. 他们强迫我做违背我心意的事。
- He's always careful to do things by the book. 他总是小心翼翼地按规章办事。
- He always likes to do things in a big way. 他总爱把事情搞得轰轰烈烈的。
- I have a good many things to do today. 我今天有很多事要做。
- I have a number of important things to do today. 今天我有许多重要事情要做。
- I don't want to lounge about town. I have other things to do. 我不想在市区闲逛。我还有别的事要做。
- It's the done thing to dress for dinner in this hotel. 在这家宾馆用餐着正装才是合乎礼仪的。
- That was a pretty dumb thing to do. 那件事干得可真蠢。
- And third, they do things to your computer that make you want to tear your hair out. 第三,病毒对计算机的所作所为可令你气得发疯。
- I have an ocean of things to do. 我有许多事情要做。
- We have a bushel of things to do today. 今天我们有许多事情要做。
- We should be proud of our country and never do things to violate our national character and morals. 我们要以祖国为荣,绝不能做有损于国格的事。
- I have got a hundred things to do. 我有许许多多事情要做。