- That dress doesn't do much for her figure. 那件连衣裙并不怎么能够衬出她的身段。
- I feel mean for not doing more for my son. 我对没为我儿子多做点事而感到惭愧。
- I did much for him but what I got was only his thankless complaints. 我为他做了那么多,但得到的只是他不知感恩的抱怨。
- This scientist has done much for our country. 这位科学家对我们国家有很大贡献。
- One dead photographer does not do much for the cause he cares about, even if he did feel compelled to weigh in and take sides. 一个摄影记者,即便他认为自己有必要选择立场而支持某一方,一旦他死了,则于他所关心的事业来说也是没有多大帮助的。
- Even Christian clergy-keep urging him to do more for the Jews. 甚至基督教的牧师--不断敦促他对犹太人高抬贵手。
- Tania I couldn't depend on to do much for me;she was sending money to Sylvester. 我不能指望塔尼亚为我故什么,她在给西尔维斯特寄钱。
- If I could live my life over again I would do more for the people. 如果我能够重新度过我的一生,我愿为人民更多做一些工作。
- I am thinking of how I shall do more for the people. 我正在考虑怎样为人民做更多的事。
- But green rates do more for farmers than stave off currency changes. 原译文:但是,绿色兑换率是为了保护农民的利益,不是为了防止货币变化。
- And in America people are saying, God, please let me do more for You. 在美国,人对上帝说:让我为您做更多。
- They do not charge much for carriage. 他们只收一点儿运费。
- Where parents do too much for their children, the children will not do much for themselves. 父母不要为孩子做太多的事。
- Mr Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself without getting breathless and dizzy, so I give him some assistance. 赵先生身体弱,一干活就头晕,气喘吁吁,所以我来帮他。
- It's hard work, but luckily one gets paid more for doing more. 这阵子真辛苦,好在多劳多得。
- Mr. Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself without getting breathless and dizzy, so I give him some assistance. 赵先生身体虚弱,自己做不了多少事就会累得气喘吁吁,头脑发晕,所以我经常给予他一些帮助。
- Mr Vilsack, who hails from Iowa, argues that legislation will do much for America's farmers. 来自衣阿华州的Vilsack争辩道,该法例将更大的惠及美国农民。
- I strongly regret that the Government has not done more for the poor. 政府为贫困人们做得太少,本人深感遗憾。
- While the boxy van design won’t do much for the eye, what matters lies on the inside of the vehicle. 虽然盒子式的货车设计并不能吸引很多的眼球,却掩藏了它其实是一个交通工具的事实。
- He always charges me too much for his goods. 他总是向我索取过高的货价。