- I'll do fine, Mother, you can rest assured. 妈,你放心,我会干得不错的[过得很好的]。
- This log will do fine as a table for our picnic. 这块大圆木很可以用作我们野餐的餐桌。
- The box will do fine as a table. 这个箱子用做桌子还蛮不错。
- I'm sure you'll do fine on your interview. 我确信你面试时会表现得很不错。
- "I'll do fine,ma,you can rest assured," said Xiao Hong. 小红说:“妈,我会干得好的,您放心吧。”
- Starting a new store is risky, but I think we will do fine. 开新店本来就会有风险,但我想我们会一切顺利的。
- "I'll do fine, ma, you can rest assured," said Xiao Hong. 小红说:“妈,我会干得好的,您放心吧。”
- Celta always do fine and will finish among the six first teams. 赛尔塔的表现历来不错,他们将名列前六。
- I'm doing fine with the help of the banisters. 扶着栏杆我自己能行。
- As for Paul and Donna, they are doing fine. 至于保罗和唐娜,正过着美满的生活。
- Her cub was dehydrated and is doing fine. 失水过多的熊宝宝已渐渐地复原。
- As for Paul and Donna,they are doing fine. 至于保罗和唐娜,正过着美满的生活。
- Keep going like that,you're doing fine. 就这样做下去,你做得蛮不错嘛。
- That's the idea! You're doing fine. 对啦!你做得不错。
- It is said that he is doing fine in school. 据说他在学校里表现很好。
- Mother and child are doing fine. 母亲和孩子的身体都很好。
- John is constantly doing fine work at school. 约翰在学校做的确实很好。
- Xiao Hua is doing fine work at school. 小华在学校学习挺不错。
- Now both mother and fledglings are doing fine. 现在母鸟和幼鸟都活得很好。
- The cucumbers are really doing fine. 这黄瓜长得还正经不错呢!