- She went to the doctor complaining of dizzy spells. 她去找医生看病,说自己一阵一阵地头昏。
- After suffering dizzy spells,Kane left the swim team in 1999. 1999年,他因头晕症状离开了游泳队。
- I feel a dizzy spell. 我感到一阵头晕。
- I suffer from dizzy spells(= short periods when I am dizzy). 我患有阵发性头晕。
- have a dizzy spell; be afflicted with vertigo 头晕目眩
- Symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain, dizzy spells and fainting. 临床症状包括呼吸短促、疲劳感、胸痛、晕旋、昏厥。
- Be overcome by a dizzy spell at a Bathhouse; pass out at a Bathhouse 晕裕
- 1.to have a dizzy spell; to be afflicted with vertigo; to whirl; 2.rockiness 头晕目眩
- The room was so hot that she felt dizzy. 房间里如此之热,以至于她觉得头晕目眩。
- We were dizzy by the strong wind. 我们被大风刮得头晕目眩。
- The pond (was) iced over during the cold spell. 寒流期间池塘都封冻了。
- It looks as if we were in for a cold spell. 看样子要过一段寒潮天气。
- I think we are in for dry spell. 我看我们难免要遇到一阵干旱天气了。
- Those math problems made me dizzy. 那些数学题弄得我晕头转向。
- Prices keep rising at a dizzy rate. 物价以极快的速度不断上涨。
- The protracted rain spell has completely mucked up our plans. 长时期的下雨把我们的计划全打乱了。
- Could you spell that word out for me again? 那个字你再拼一遍好吗?
- Let's stop and rest for a spell. 我们停下来歇一会儿吧!
- A spell of tough luck discouraged us. 一阵坏运气令我们大为沮丧。
- These changes spell ruin for the company. 这些变化意味着该公司破产。