- The properties of divisor sum function with cubic complement 关于立方幂补数除数和函数的性质
- divisor sum function 除数和函数
- The Sum function adds the individual sales figures. Sum函数会将各个销售额相加。
- A SUM function that references a nullable expression. 引用可为空表达式的SUM函数。
- To add the values in a repeating field, use the sum function. 若要在重复域中添加值,请使用“sum”函数。
- Uses the Sum function to display the sum of the values of the Sales control. 使用Sum函数显示“销售额”控件的值的和。
- The SUM function is included in a correlated subquery (the SELECT statement in parentheses). SUM函数包含在相关子查询(括号中的SELECT语句)中。
- The expression appears enclosed inside the Sum function, and the Total row displays Expression instead of Sum. 表达式出现在Sum函数内部,“总计”行上将显示表达式,而非Sum。
- You sum data by adding the Sum function to your query, you count data by using the Count function, and so on. 通过向查询中添加Sum函数可对数据求和,通过使用Count函数可统计数据的个数,等等。
- Uses the Sum function to display the sum of the product of the values of the Quantity and the Price controls. 使用Sum函数显示“数量”与“价格”控件的值的乘积之和。
- The SUM function comes in handy when you want to add values from different ranges or combine number values with ranges of numbers. 当您想将不同区域中的值相加或将数值与数值区域合并时,SUM函数很有用。
- The SUM function returns the total sum of a column in a given selection. NULL values are not included in the calculation. 使用SUM函数可以返回给定的选择中列的所有记录值的累计合。null值不包括在内。
- In the second column, the expression in the Field row will appear enclosed inside the Sum function, and the value in the Total row displays Expression instead of Sum. 第二列中“字段”行中的表达式将出现在Sum函数的内部,“总计”行中的值将显示表达式,而非Sum。
- The SUMPRODUCT function is great for values in arrays with the same dimensions, but you can also use the SUM function with a formula array if you need more flexibility. SUMPRODUCT函数适合维数相同的数组中的值,如果想要更加灵活一些,也可以将SUM函数与公式数组一起使用。
- This expression uses the Sum function to total the values in the Freight field, and then divides those totals by the sum of the values in the Subtotal field. 此表达式使用Sum函数计算“运费”字段中的值的总和,然后用这些总和除以“分类汇总”字段中的值的和。
- The tuple identified must reference a cell that is aggregated with the Sum function, and must not use a calculated member as one of the cell's coordinates. 所标识的元组必须引用使用Sum函数聚合的单元,并且不能将计算成员作为该单元的一个坐标使用。
- I had to spend a large sum of money to get it back. 我得花一大笔钱才把它弄回来。
- They clubbed together a large sum. 他们集资到一大笔款子。
- Please sum up what you said just now. 请把你刚才说的总结一下。
- The clerks figures up the sum on a computer. 办事员用计算机算出总教。