- People used to believe in the divine right of kings. 过去人们相信君权神授。
- You have no divine right of purchase. 你没有神圣不可侵犯的购买权。
- It has its divine right of sovereignty. 它有自己神圣的主权。
- People used to believe in the divine right. 过去人们相信君权神授。
- Monarchy used to be based on divine right. 在过去,君主政体习惯建立在王授神权的基础上。
- The king claimed to rule by divine right. 国王声称自己是神授王权执掌朝政的。
- Absolutism and divine right were under attack. 专制主义和神权备受攻击。
- Say farewell to the divine right of management. 别了,神圣的管理权。
- No one has a divine right to play for England. 没有人有代表英格兰的神权。
- Everybody was annoyed at the German tourists who seemed to think they had some divine right to the best positions around the swimming pool. 大家都对德国旅游者们很生气,他们似乎以为自己有占据游泳池周围最佳位置的神授王权。
- Locke flatly rejected the theory of divine right of kings. 排除了君权神授的思想。
- Divine right is the doctrine that the king stands toward his people in loco parentis. 神权之义即国王对待人民应如同家人父子。
- The doctrine of the divine right of kings was enunciated by the stuarts in Britain in the 16th century. 16世纪英国的斯图亚特王室提出了君权神授。
- Initially from Shang,there was the notion that the ruler (the "son of heaven")governed by divine right but that his dethronement would prove that he had lost the mandate. 从商朝开始,人们形成了一种观点,即统治者("天子")的统治是天经地义的,但是一旦他被废黜即意味着他失去了上天的意志。
- At the same time he initiated a train of reasoning that 1,200 years later culminated in the Stuart theory of the divine right of kings. 同时,他开始了一系列的论证,1200年以后,这些论证以国王权力神圣的斯图亚特理论而告终。
- He played the game of power politics as if he were a divine right monarch, but he played it well and for the peace of the world. 他象一个神权君主似的玩弄强权政治游戏,不过玩得很好,而且是为了世界和平。
- After Pulcharia, the emperors of Byzantium ruled by divine right and by right of birth and all later Western kings's imitated them. 普尔喀丽娅之后,所有的拜占庭皇帝皆为神权,出生权所统治,之后的西方国王也效法他们。
- It was only a small minority who caused problems but the people at the top of UEFA think they have the divine right to criticise people. 他们宁愿把票多分给他们的商业合作伙伴(也就是根本不懂足球的人)也不分配给配得上成为座上嘉宾的球迷。
- He did not go so far as to say, for her pleasure, that there was a sort of Divine Right there; but, I have heard claims almost as magnificent of late years. 他并没有为了让她更快乐一点,甚至说在那儿还有一种“神圣的权力”;但是,近年来我曾经听见过同这种说法几乎是一样的天花乱坠的其他种种说法。
- Initially from Shang ,there waw the notion that the ruler (the "son of heaven" )governed by divine right but that his dethronement would prove that he had lost the mandate. 从商朝开始,人们形成了一种观点即:统治者("天子")的统治是天经地义的,但是一旦他被废黜即意味着他失去了上天的意志。