- They are the people from diverse cultures. 他们是些有着不同文化背景的人。
- Enriched with diverse culture, sport is a grand culture featured with social comprehensiveness. 体育本身蕴含着丰富的文化内涵,是具有极强社会综合性的大文化。
- China is developing at a fast pace compared to the rest of the world. This encouraged me to come to China and experience its diverse culture. 中国正以较快的步伐发展着,正是这点促使我来到中国体验它的多元文化。
- The University is truly international, drawing students from over 100 countries and benefiting from an extraordinarily diverse culture. 本大学的确是一所国际性大学,它的学生来自100多个国家,学生们从多文化环境中收益非浅。
- Criteria used in the survey included ease of transportation, a comfortable living environment, a vibrant and diverse culture and administrative efficiency. 调查项目包括便利的交通,舒适居住环境,具活力的多样化文化、行政效率等。
- Criteria used in the survey included ease of transportation,a comfortable living environment,a vibrant and diverse culture and administrative efficiency. 调查项目包括便利的交通,舒适居住环境,具活力的多样化文化、行政效率等。
- There is an urgent need for the younger generation to learn and appreciate more of their own history as well as the diverse culture and history of other places. 因此,年轻一代有需要多认识自己的历史以及各地的多元文化和历史,只有这样,才懂得去尊重他人。
- And China is a great country, scenic, rich with history and diverse cultures. 中国是个伟大的国家,风景优美,有丰富的历史和多样的文化。
- Head towards Botshabelo and Thaba Nchu for a dash of diverse cultural heritage. 去布沙比鲁和达班丘参观多样的文化遗产吧。
- People of Beijing believe that the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures of the world. 北京人民相信在北京举办2008年奥运会将推动我们文化与全世界各种文化的交流。
- At the same time Carlos was immersed in the colorful atmosphere of SanFrancisco, with its diverse cultural influencesand musical styles. 同时,他沉浸于旧金山充满不同文化影响和音乐风格的多姿多彩的生活之中。
- Divers persons were present, of all stations in life. 不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。
- Only based on this presence-multiculturalism, can we eliminate the elements of culture clash and finally realize the harmony of the diverse cultures in this global city. 只有这 种基于对他者的欣赏式尊重模式之上的存有性文化多元论,才能彻底剔除文化冲突 因素,最终实现全球文化的和谐共存。
- But cultural relativists claim that it is improper to apply a fixed set of rights to diverse cultures and traditions. 但文化相对主义者则认为把一套固定的权利用于多样性的文化和传统,是不适当的。
- The Beijing Queer Film Festival will be adding a new section beginning this year: “Queers from Diverse Cultures”. 从今年开始,北京酷儿影展将新增一个常设单元“友朋自友邦来”。
- At the same time Carlos was immersed in the colorful atmosphere of SanFrancisco,with its diverse cultural influencesand musical styles. 同时,卡洛斯沉浸于旧金山充满不同文化影响和音乐风格的多姿多彩的生活之中。
- The diver poised on the edge of the high board. 跳水运动员在高台边上站稳。
- The divers tried to float the sunken ship. 潜水员想使沈船浮起。
- These multi-dialectal phenomena reflect that there are diverse cultural identities and subjectivities in contemporary Chinese-language films. 这种多方言现象反映了在当代中文电影中存在多种文化身份和主体性。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。