- Nozick has refuted all kinds of criterion in his distributive justice. 诺齐克的分配正义不以任何原则为标准。
- Furthermore we should rely on a fair procedure to arrive at solutions to distributive justice of health ... 此外我们应该依靠公平的程序达到医疗保健公正的分配。
- Distributive justice is based on allocation result. And procedural justice is based on determine process. 分配公正是以分配结果作依据;程序公正是以决策过程作依据。
- The problem of distributive justice is a very important problem of theory and reality in economic ethics. 分配正义问题是经济伦理学中一个十分重大的理论和现实问题。
- Distributive justice: porceived fairness of the amount and allocation of rewards among individuals. 分配公正:察觉到在个体中对数量和分配奖励报酬的不公平性。
- Dominance analysis further indicated that when predicting Emotional Exhaustion 65.91% of the predicted variance was attributed to distributive justice. 进一步的优势分析表明,预测情绪衰竭时,分配公平相对来说更重要,贡献了已解释方差的65.;91%25;
- The issue of distributive justice, a relative but specific problem, lies in essentially how to strength a sound and lasting social cooperation. 摘要分配正义问题的实质是如何促进社会合作的健全持久,它应该是一个具体的、相对的问题。
- The third section has firstly dealt with Nozick"s justice in holdings, which is quite different from Rawls" as a kind of distributive justice. 第三章首先讨论诺齐克的持有正义,它是一种与罗尔斯不同的分配正义观。
- Distributive justice, however, can also be illusory because the perception we have of it does not mirror reality adequately. 宣布正义,不过,也可以是一种假象,因为我们所感知的,它并不能很充分的像一面镜子反映现实。
- The theories on distributive justice of fairness and entitlement, respectively by Rawls and Nozick, have much in common despite the differences. 摘要罗尔斯和诺奇克分别提出了公平正义论与权利正义论。这两种不同的正义模式既有分歧,又有相通性。
- To say the truth, I had conceived a few scruples with relation to the distributive justice of princes upon these occasions. 说老实话,对君主们在这种情况下分得领地的正义性我颇有怀疑。
- In the policy practice of constructing the harmony society, not only the regulative justice and distributive justice but also the corrective justice must be stressed. 摘要在构建和谐社会的政策实践中,不仅要重视管制公正、分配公正,更要强调矫正公正。
- Marx, and Hayek gave an incisive criticism on distributive justice, however, there is some difference between Marx's and Hayek's in criticizing distributive justice. 摘要马克思与哈耶克对分配正义都作出了深刻的批判,但是,马克思在批判分配正义上却与哈耶克存在着一些分歧。
- But the impact of distributive justice on customer satisfaction and behavior intentions will increase as the enhancement of the severity of flights delay. 但随着延误严重程度的提高,分配公平对顾客满意度和行为意向的影响会增大。
- Since Aristotle founded anything that was advocated earlier about the theory of distributive justice, a lot of thinkers have put forward different interrelated theories according to the need of social development. 自从亚里斯多德开创分配正义理论先河以来,众多的思想家都根据当时社会发展需要提出了各种相关的理论。
- At present there are many problems influencing the realization of distributive justice, but the most chief are the problems of the gap between the rich and the poor and corruption. 因此,为了实现分配正义就必须建构理想与现实相统一的分配模型,完善国家、地区和企业的分配调控机制,健全功利与道义相结合的分配体系,加强经济主体的分配正义教育和修养。
- Marx criticized and negated the distribution way of capitalism and set forth socialist distribution justice theory. 同西方传统正义思想观念相比,马克思的正义观念具有独特之处,如正义思想的唯物史观视角;
- God mete out justice in his own good time. 羞恶自有报,只争迟与早。
- American scholars Rowles and Nozick have different opinions in right belonging of intelligence and ability,so they insist on different principles of distribution justice. 美国学者罗尔斯和诺齐克由于在资质才能的权利归属上有不同见解,因而坚持不同的分配正义原则。
- The trial was a travesty of justice. 这次审判嘲弄了法律的公正性。