- distributional patten 分布型
- The cloth has a patten of red and white square. 这块布上有红白相间的方格子。
- Study on Spatial Distribution Patten of Agrilus mali Larvas in Wild Fruit Forests in Xinjiang 新疆野果林苹果小吉丁幼虫空间分布型研究
- China and India, Patten said, will be the third great force. 中国和印度,彭定康说,将成为第三极力量。
- And now, Alfie Patten and his baby will grow up together! 如果在二十的时候就结婚该多好,等孩子二十的时候,可以一起踢球。
- This applies to Chris Patten, CH Tung, Anson Chan and Regina Ip. 对彭定康如是,对董建华如是,对陈方安生和叶刘淑仪也如是。
- I'd like to negotiate about the distributional plan with you. 我愿意与你协商一下分配方案。
- The Distributional Features of Macrofungi in the Taibaishan Mts. 太白山自然保护区大型真菌生态分布及资源评价。
- Chris Patten arrived in New Delhi on the night of the 23rd for a visit. 彭定康于23日晚抵达新德里访问。
- A few distributional records new to science were reported. 本次调查还发现了一些蜥蜴和蛇种的新分布记录。
- Lord Patten was mobbed by fans while in Hong Kong to promote his latest book. 彭爵士在香港宣传他的最新作品时,为众多粉丝簇拥。
- New distributional taxa of Angiospermae in Nei Mongol region. 内蒙古种子植物新纪录分类群.
- Wider range temperature and 3D temperature field distribut... 正反熔宽模拟计算结果与实际的结果吻合。
- Food Packaging, Meat &Poultry. It is an importer, distribut ... 阿联酋公司求购食品包装,畜禽肉产品2008-03-21
- Remote sensing imaging features seem clearly distribut of linear. 遥感影像特征十分明显,呈线性展布。
- The image tries to remodel the culture resource of Chinese Indonesians, but the forming patten of the image is affected, by the mainstream ideology. 这种想像试图为印尼华人重塑文化根源,但想像模式的形成却受到主流意识形态的压力影响。
- The red flag of China flutters over Government House, Lord Patten's former home, and government offices are adorned with China's state insignia. 中国的红旗飘扬在礼宾府上空,这里曾经是彭定康的住所,政府办公室也挂有中国国徽。
- On distributional features of the genus Aconitum in Sino-Himalayan flora. 论中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区乌头属植物地理分布特点.
- Zimmer: You think this guy is Patten? He is a dangerous lunatic, he is threatening a nuclear war, and he means it. 你是说这家伙是巴顿?罗千科是个危险的疯子,他满脑子想发动核子战争。
- Dougherty: Well, it is fanatics who make history. Colonel Patten was a fanatic. That's what made him great. 没听过历史是狂人创造出来的吗?巴顿上校就是个狂人,他因疯狂而伟大。